
The Emergence of the Abyssal Entities:

In the heart of the Primordial Abyss, where chaos and dark energies swirled in a tumultuous maelstrom, the first Abyssal Entities emerged. They were formless and ethereal at first, but over time, they took on more concrete shapes and consciousness giving birth to the first demons.

Rifts to the Mortal Realm:

As the demons grew in power, they discovered rifts or portals that connected the Primordial Abyss to the mortal realm. Through these rifts, they began to pour into the mortal world, their dark influence causing turmoil and despair wherever they went.

The Sealing of the Abyss:

In a climactic battle between the mortal races and demons, the Primordial Abyss was sealed, cutting off the direct connection between the Demons and the mortal world. The rifts were closed, and the Demon Lords were imprisoned within their dark realms.

Cults of Darkness:

Despite their imprisonment, the dark legacy of the Demons lives on. In the shadows, cultists and followers of forbidden knowledge still revere and worship these malevolent beings. They seek to break the seals on the rifts and free the Demon Lords, believing that with their masters' return, they can achieve ultimate power.

Whispers of Temptation:

The Demons, although sealed, continue to exert their influence on the mortal realm. They whisper temptations and offer power to those who are willing to make pacts with them, promising dark abilities and forbidden knowledge in exchange for servitude.

Basic Information


Infernal Physique:

Demons often have monstrous and grotesque appearances. Their forms vary widely, but they are typically characterized by twisted, deformed bodies with unnatural proportions and shapes.


Many demons have menacing horns protruding from their heads. The size and shape of these horns can vary greatly between different demon types, and they often serve both as weapons and symbols of their demonic power.  

Sharp Claws and Talons:

Demons possess razor-sharp claws and talons on their hands and feet, capable of inflicting deadly wounds. These claws are effective in combat and are often used to rend and tear their foes.  

Fanged Maws:

Demons are equipped with rows of sharp, pointed teeth within their gaping, fanged mouths. Their teeth can rend flesh and deliver painful bites.  


Many demons have long, prehensile tails, often adorned with spikes, barbs, or other menacing features. These tails are used for balance, as weapons, or as an additional limb.  


Some demons have wings that allow them to fly or glide through the air. These wings come in various shapes and configurations, reflecting the specific demon's abilities.  

Fiery or Glowing Eyes:

Demon eyes often have a fiery or glowing quality. The color can range from menacing red or orange to otherworldly and eerie hues.  

Infernal Skin:

Demon skin may be scaly, rough, or covered in strange patterns. It can also exhibit colors that range from dark red and black to more vibrant and unsettling shades  

Variety of Forms:

There is immense diversity among demons, with each type having its own unique features and abilities. Some demons may appear humanoid, while others may be monstrous or grotesque in form.

Ecology and Habitats

Abyssal Planes:

Demons are frequently native to the Abyss, a chaotic and hellish plane of existence. The Abyss is a realm of endless suffering, where demons spawn and thrive. It is a place of constant turmoil and war, and its landscapes are ever-changing and nightmarish.

Demonic Realms:

Demons may have their own domains or realms within the Abyss. Each realm can have unique characteristics, being dominated by powerful demon lords.  

Corrupted Environments:

Wherever demons manifest in the mortal world, they leave behind a trail of corrupted and blighted landscapes. The land may wither, waters become polluted, and flora and fauna turn twisted and malevolent.  

Convergence Points:

Places where different planes of existence overlap can become breeding grounds for demon activity. These convergence points are fraught with chaos and are challenging to traverse.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Essence of Souls:

Demons feed on the essence of mortal souls, drawing energy from the suffering and corruption of sentient beings. They seek to corrupt and consume the souls of mortals to sustain themselves.

Emotional Energy:

Demons are often drawn to strong negative emotions such as fear, anger, and despair. They feed on the emotional energy generated by mortals, especially during moments of suffering or chaos.  

Blood and Sacrifice:

Some lesser demons require physical sustenance, such as blood or flesh. Sacrificial rituals and offerings of living creatures, often made by cultists, provide them with nourishment.  

Torturous Feasting:

Demons revel in inflicting pain and torment on their victims. This suffering generates a unique form of sustenance that they savor, often prolonging the agony of their prey.  

Soul-Infused Artifacts:

Demons are drawn to and may consume items imbued with powerful enchantments, especially those containing trapped souls or dark magic.  

Spreading Chaos:

Demons feed on the chaos and disorder they create. The more they sow discord and suffering, the more they thrive.  

Occasional Restraint:

While demons are often ravenous and cruel, they can also exercise restraint when it suits their purposes. They may wait patiently for the perfect moment to indulge in their sinister desires.

characteristics and features


Exuding Darkness:

Demons emit an aura of darkness or malevolent energy that creates an unsettling and fearful atmosphere around them.  

Elemental Affinities:

Some demons exhibit elemental affinities, such as fire, ice, or poison, which are reflected in their attacks and abilities.  


Certain demons possess the ability to shape-shift, enabling them to assume more appealing or terrifying forms to deceive or manipulate mortals.  


Many demons have the ability to regenerate rapidly, allowing them to heal from injuries quickly. This regenerative capacity makes them formidable opponents in battle.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: Demon by Necro


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