
The Graceful Elf Maiden:

Seraphina was born into the heart of a secluded Elven woodland, renowned for its timeless beauty and ethereal tranquility. As a young Elf maiden, she was celebrated for her otherworldly grace, enchanting music, and her mesmerizing beauty, which drew the admiration of both Elves and creatures of the forest.

A Dark Obsession:

Yet, beneath her serene exterior, Seraphina harbored a secret fascination—a morbid curiosity that had lingered in her heart since childhood. She had heard whispers of Vampires, creatures of the night, who possessed immortality, seductive powers, and a mysterious existence. The idea of joining their immortal ranks became an obsession that gnawed at her soul.

The Forbidden Tome:

One fateful day, while exploring an ancient Elven library, Seraphina discovered forbidden tomes hidden within the dusty shelves. These books contained dark and obscure knowledge about vampires, their rituals, and the process of transformation. Ignoring the warnings inscribed on the book's cover, she delved deeper into its pages, becoming entranced by the promise of eternal life.

Seeking the Undying:

With her obsession consuming her thoughts, Seraphina embarked on a clandestine quest to seek out a legendary vampire, a baron named Dracula, to help her with the ritual. She left her homeland, determined to find him and fulfill her dark desire for immortality.

Valerian's Temptation:

After a perilous journey filled with dangers and trials, Seraphina finally located Dracula's keep in a remote and hidden mountain range. Dracula, possessing charisma and allure beyond mortal comprehension, offered her the help she desired in exchange for her servitude and undying loyalty to him. Intrigued and entranced by his presence, she accepted his proposition, sealing her fate as a creature of the night.

The Immortal Night:

Seraphina's transformation into a vampire spawn was both thrilling and horrifying. She experienced the ecstasy of newfound strength, preternatural senses, and the intoxicating allure of the night. Yet, she also bore the heavy burden of an insatiable thirst for blood and the torment of knowing she could never return to her Elven kin.

The Loss of the Elven Light:

Seraphina's decision to become a vampire had profound consequences. Her transformation was met with anguish and condemnation from her fellow Elves, who viewed her as a traitor to their way of life. She was shunned and exiled, eternally separated from her beloved woodland home.

A Lonely Existence:

As the centuries passed, Seraphina navigated the complexities of her vampiric nature, occasionally forming fleeting connections with fellow creatures of the night all while serving her new master. However, she remained haunted by the memory of her former life as an Elf and the choices she had made.

Circumstances of Death
Lilith's blessing/curse

Cover image: Seraphina by Necro


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