The War of Binding

A Perpetual Struggle :

The War of Binding had its origins in the mists of time, a result of the disastrous rifts that had opened between Terra and the Abyss. These rifts, once unleashed, spewed forth ethereal beings of darkness and malevolence. These Demons, seemingly unkillable, sought to spread their influence and corrupt the world.

The Mortal Alliance:

Faced with this dire threat, the mortal races of Terra were compelled to put aside their differences and form an alliance. Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, and all the other races, each with their unique strengths and abilities, united against the common enemy. It was a testament to the indomitable spirit of mortals to stand together in the face of annihilation.

Bound by Sacrifice:

The war was relentless, marked by countless battles, devastating losses, and dark sacrifices. But the most pivotal aspect of this conflict was the Binding Ritual. It was a forbidden incantation that could seal the demons away, but at a terrible cost – the willing sacrifice of a mortal, who would forever be bound to guard the rifts. These heroes, known as Binders, became eternal sentinels, their existence an unending vigil.


The Binders, now known as Riftwatchers, stood at the front lines of the war. They defended the rifts with their lives, their presence the only barrier preventing the demons from pouring into Terra. These heroes, be they humans, elves, or any other race, were revered and honored.

A Perpetual Struggle:

The War of Binding continued through generations. Riftwatchers passed their sacred duty to the next generation, and the conflict was passed down like an unwelcome inheritance. It became an intrinsic part of life on Terra, an eternal vigil against the insidious forces of the Abyss.

Hope Amidst Darkness:

Despite the never-ending nature of the War of Binding, there remained a glimmer of hope. The alliance of mortals proved that even in the face of an unkillable foe, unity, sacrifice, and unwavering determination could hold the line and protect the world from being consumed by the abyssal darkness.

Conflict Type
Start Date
3939 AD
Ending Date
3958 AD

Cover image: Global cover by Necro


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