
The Humble Smith:

Thrain Ironhand was born into a small Dwarven clan that dwelled deep within the heart of the mountains. From a young age, he displayed a fascination with the art of metallurgy and a talent for crafting intricate metalwork. Thrain was raised by his parents, both skilled blacksmiths, who imparted their knowledge and values to him.

The Fire of Ambition:

As Thrain honed his skills, he dreamed of creating a haven for his people—a grand Dwarven city within the mountains, where their craftsmanship could thrive and their culture would flourish. This dream burned within him like a forge's fire, driving him to master the craft even further.

A Vision Takes Shape:

Thrain's chance came when he discovered a vast, uncharted cavern deep within the mountain range. Its potential was unmistakable—an underground realm where his vision could take shape. With a band of dedicated Dwarves, he began the arduous task of excavation, laboring tirelessly to create the foundations of his dream city.

Ironhold Rises:

Years turned into decades, and Thrain's vision slowly emerged from the stone. The city was christened "Ironhold," a testament to the Dwarves' unwavering determination and the strength of their craft. It featured grand caverns adorned with shimmering gems, vast forges that roared with activity, and intricate tunnels connecting the various districts.

The Unifying King:

Recognizing Thrain's leadership and vision, the Dwarven clans of the surrounding mountains rallied under his banner. He was crowned as the first King of Ironhold, a title he bore with both humility and pride. Under his rule, the city flourished as a bastion of craftsmanship, culture, and unity.

The Heart of the Mountains:

Ironhold became renowned for its rich mineral deposits and masterful craftsmanship. Its blacksmiths crafted legendary weapons, armor, and intricate jewelry that drew traders and adventurers from far and wide. The city's heart, the "Hall of the Iron Anvil," served as a gathering place for Dwarves from all clans, fostering unity and camaraderie.

An Enduring Legacy:

Thrain Ironhand's reign was marked by prosperity and unity, and his vision endured for generations. Ironhold's influence spread far beyond its cavernous halls, becoming a symbol of Dwarven resilience and craftsmanship. It remained a hub of trade, culture, and innovation.

Current Location
Founded Settlements
Ruled Locations

Cover image: Thrain by Necro