Dzinma Khyim


Dzinma is easily the most populated khyims of the Tuquet Conclaves. Though its itba (hub) and ijibs (spokes) lack diversity in terms of other peoples of Rynn, it hosts the most diverse population of detshons, resources, and opinions. People from all walks of Tuqueti life inhabit Dzinma, and its communal spaces bustle with the activities well knit communities. That being said, the rigpa klongs of Attarapana, and Pyid are both well populated and diverse in terms of people. As the supposed capital of the Tuquet Conclave, Attarapana hosts diplomatic guests, traders from all around Orela, and pilgrims seeking spiritual wisdom. Still even in these spaces the sheer number of Tuqueti far outnumber any other people present.


Lagpa Doganpa (military, Path of Hands): one of the most well known militarily-oriented doganpas. Founded before their return to Terra Rynn, monks from the Lagpa Doganpa were of the party that traveled with the Suskyba in her original contact with the Chhatrapat. This Doganpa has never been disbanded, and probably has one of the oldest military traditions in the Conclaves. This particular Doganpa is primarily located within Dzinma's itba (hub), carefully protecting the passages from Terra Duhr, patrolling accesses out of the itba, and the watching over the primary means of transit to Dgaba Khyim in the Faewylds.   Although they do not consider Attarapana or Pyid domains they actively monitor, Lagpa Doganpa has taken part in active defense work in Attarapana in the past when the need is great.   Mdarse Doganpa (military, ranged): an ancient military doganpa. Mdarse focuses on ranged combat, and are seen as a key military organization in the defense of the Khyims. While they are headquartered in Dzinma, all three khyims have people who work and train with Mdarse.   crevice's



Engineers, crafters, and artificers tend to gather together in a part of the khyim which is also closest to the central growth of the Nyiamai Khor. Some of the most influential detshons have a heavy presence here, includiong Bragdo (mining), Rtsonba (blacksmithing and artificing), Mtshon (weapons and blacksmithing), and Skyobpar Phrul (magic and artificing). Two of the khyim's greatest doganpas are headquartered here - Ri Du Doganpa, responsible principally for maintainin the Nyiamai Khor, and Granlug Doganpa, a doganpa focused on the architecture and engineering necessary to keep Dzinma Khyim functioning.   Notably the Flights are located here, an expanive and collaborative space used for artificing and blacksmithing work or experimentation. The central body of the Nyiamai Khor is also here, from which specially grown vices of bacalapis are grown from, providing light and energy across the khyim.  

Health and Apothecaries

Much like education and housing among the Conclaves, healthcare is largely seen as a necessity of the body. To that end, the Tshar Sman (house of healing) run by Gso Pa Detshon sits at the heart of this district. Around them sprawl a number of spaces run by alchemical, herbalist, and medical detshons. Near the library tower, which runs across all levels of the khyim, sits the Soak, a great bathouse where many residents of Dzinma gather to meet, share space news and gossip, and in general spend time with one another while maintaining good hygiene.  

Mdzods District

Tuqueti seeking knowledge or general learning may spend time in the Mdzods district, which sits at the base of the Laskhungs Doganpa on the third level of Dzinma and runs below through every floor of the khyim. Essentially a complex library, archive, and research space, the mdzods district is an architecturally beautiful space with sprawling great halls, lecture spaces, and reading rooms set aside for study. While the Tuquet like to keep written accounts and materials, Archivists are considered to be subject matter experts, either generalists in a field that can teach basic principals, or specialists in specific topics able to delve deep into theory and practice. Shes Rig Mdzods is the largest, most populated such library complex in this district, and its archivists are almost entirely from the Bramze Detshon. However, over the last decade, Yig Nyar Mdzods from Iho has begun to use some of the space in the district, and their philosophy with regards to how information should be accessed and shared is quite different, insisting that all information should be available to all Tuqueti at all times. Some tension has been noted in this district recently as libriarians from Yig Nyar attempt to archive and keep track of the various records kept by Shes Rig.   Near the main residential district, but part of the Mdzods District, is the Akash Amphitheatre. This facility is maintained by the Shes Rig Mdzod, and mostly serves as a place for Tuqueti to come listen to speakers, watch entertainment, or listen to a lecture. It is a common place that many Tuqueti gather.  

Market Districts

Markets within the heart of the khyim would be quite foreign to a lot of visitors. The internal economy of the Tuquet Conclaves does not rely on money, and so markets outside of rigpa klongs do not expect such compensation. Instead, these markets tend to be open and dispersed across the districts where making goods would be useful. Among the resident districts of Dzinma, it is common to find goods such as food, clothing, potions that local residents may need, and relatively simple trinkets. In the production districts, supplies of materials, more complication alchemical works, engineering supplies, and the like are much more common. While the markets tend to be a bit of a mishmash of everything, they tend to be contextual based on the common need of a space they are in.   There is a central market district in Dzinma called Khrom Rdal. It is an active and bustling place where Tuqueti come from across the khyim to find whatever it is they need. If their local market doesn't have what they need, or if an engineer is looking for something they can't quite seem to locate, they can almost always find it in Khrom Rdal. The merchants of Khrom Rdal have connections across the Conclaves, and even outside, pulling in resources from wherever they can to provide the goods and services they think their customers need. It is said that even some connections to the Gal Las (black market) in Attarapanna has a presence here in the chaos.   Below the Khrom Rdal in the sub levels of the khyim are the intense, underground farms that supply so much of the necessary food for Dzinma. The farming detshon, So Na, is wide spread in this area, often bringing their goods first to Khrom Rdal, and then filtering out to other local markets across the khyim.   The Market District is also where the foreign quarter, known as Phisod, exists. While very few foreigners are permitted entry into Dzinma, when they are this is where they are most commonly found.  

Governance, Military, and Mosaic District

The very top level of the khyim is a single structure split between Laskhungs and Lagpa Doganpas. Laskhungs is the majority of this structure, serving as both working and residential space for the Bramzes Detshon. It also plays host to the sparring rooms and drill spaces for the ancient military order Lagpa Doganpa. In the middle of this district sits a the Srid Don, the hall where the Assembly and Dziskyon meet, and in an antechamber a passage to Dgaba Khyim in the faewylds. There are few ways to access this district of the khyim, and at the entrance are a number of places where Tuqueti gather to meditate and play with mosaic tiles.  

Residentials Districts

There are many residential districts within the khyim, and at first it is difficult for most outsiders to grasp how this might be the case. Tuquet tend to live in relatively self-sufficient areas, living in complex communal structures which operate as both workspaces, living spaces, and places to socialize or entertain. This is especially true in the khyim's ijibs, which are further flung from the itba. Tuqueti live in complex, sprawling communal strctures wherein many reside. These spaces often intersect with workspaces, meaning that each distrcit within Dzinma has a living corridor integrates somewhat seemlessly into it.   It is common for Tuquet from disparate detshons or doganpas to live together, especially the more closely related their professions are. Some detshons, especially those focused on education, healthcare, or moving goods exist within each residential area. Education detshons send their teachers out to help care for children being raised communally. Healthcare workers live within the communal complexes rendering basic aid as necessary. Bramzes exist in every communal structure to help provide guidance, information, or support among detshon leaders while helping to maintain the peace. Between complexses are the Yodgnas Yul, public squares where merchants set up, citizens relax, and general socializing occurs.   Because of the nature of their work, those living in the itba of Dzinma live in much more specialized settings. It might be common to find alchemists and artificers living in the same complex, but less common to find farmers and miners living together. In the ijibs, there are fewer people and working spaces are much less structured. As such these areas tend to be much more integrated, with Tuqueti from multiple backgrounds often interacting on a daily basis.


Dzinma spans 4 miles tall, with six segmented layers. It is several miles wide, narrowing as it goes up horizontally. The Khyim was not built with practicality in mind, but rather is in many ways a living architectural and art project, built more to inspire than to make transit easy. Every pillar, park, and passageway are viewed as spaces to make beautiful works of art. Though the tunnels and passages can seem confusing to most, most Tuquet have learned how to navigate their way from one point to another. If they find themselves lost, one never has to look far to find a wandering Bramze for help. Growing from the Nyiamai Khor are scpecially cultivated vines of bacalapis called metsha. These vines are grown and maintained by Ri Du Doganpa, wrapping down hallways, up buildings, within structures, the fruit glowing like embers. These vines keep the rough sense of time that the inhabitants of Dzinma maintain. In the morning, the fruits of the metsha bacalapis vines begin to glow stronger, reaching a peak at the middle of the day and then beginning to dim. As the day ends, the metsha glows a dim twilight, keeping places lit. Tuquet have created textile curtains to further dampen the light when they begin to lay down for sleep.   By the same token, the Grim Grul is a complex rail network that runs the width and height of Dzinma. Unique to the Tuquet, the Grim Grul was built and originally maintained by Granlug Doganpa. Each train which runs the Grim Grul is designed and cared for by an artificer trained in Granlug. These eccentric and excitable artificers appreciate a taste of danger, working to keep their train operating at greatest efficiency and their passengers safe. Between them and the Granlug Doganpa, the Grim Grul is kept up and running, allowing Tuqueti in Dzinma to navigate between areas with relative ease and speed.


Dzinma Khyim is situated in the northern mountain range of the Jigarasasa Mountains running along the fertile valleys of the plateau, nestled within the Caras Massif, the White King - the largest mountain in the range. A well-worn path leads through the plateau along the plateau river to Svain in the southeast and then south to Attarapana. South through the foothills of the Caras Massif stands Attarapana, the supposed capital of the Tuquet Conclaves. In reality, Attarapana is a rigpa klong - open to outsiders, and trade, but merely a front for the true Tuquet society living inside the mountain.
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