Roman Laskaris

Alignment: LG
Portfolio: Redemption, Mercy
Holy Symbol: A Chi Rho with the Alpha and Omeha on each side, and a laurel wreath surrounding it. The following is written around the border. “Mercy-Altruism-Wisdom-Responsibility-Protection. Rise towards the Sun, Be not afraid of the Dawn”   Description   Appearance(s): Roman takes the appearance of a 60 something year old man with pale skin, long hair and a thick beard, and is missing his right eye. 2 Black Draconic horns protrude from his head, bending backwards towards the back of his head. He often wears his white, red, and gold robes. Carrying a golden staff with a white crystal at the head. His right hand is marked with his holy symbol, something similar to the Chi Rho.   Personality: Roman is a caring and loving man, and believes every being is capable of redemption. Even the dreaded Mother of Monsters. He is often described as something of a Grandpa type figure, and the few mortal who have met him (Either in Dreams, or in Person) have described him as being surrounded by a soothing aura, in which all their troubles seem to melt away Other Notable Information:   Church   Guiding Principles or Core Beliefs: The Church has 5 main pillars outlined in their doctrine core to their beliefs. These Core Tenants are Mercy, Altruism, Wisdom, Responsibility, and Protect the Weak   Mercy: “and he said unto his men, ’Show thy enemy the kindness you have for your brother. For they be misguided to the side of evil. Let the world know that we believe in the power of mercy, and all deserve a chance at Redemption’”. Mercy is the act of showing compassion, typically to and offender or subject. The Church teaches its followers to show Mercy whenever possible. The best way to destroy an enemy is to make them a friend, after all.   Altruism: "Today we march knowing that we may die, and that is what separates us from the others. You have lives, families back home. Yet you choose to join me today in the name of the greater good. And so let it be known that the most noble of deeds be sacrifice in the name of others, no matter how small". Altruism is the concern for the wellbeing of others. Although originally interpreted as self sacrifice in times of battle, the church's definition was amended to include all forms of altruistic actions, such as almsgiving   Wisdom: ”   Responsibility:   Protection:   Practices:   Structure
  • Patriarch
  • Metropolitan
  • Archbishop
  • Bishop
Notable Figures
  • Person 1
  • Person 2
  • Person 3
Relationships to other churches/Gods
Roman and his church have fairly good relations with half of the rest of the Pentearchy. While being outright hostile to Tyrannis, and the arch enemy of the Mother of Monsters.    