The Laskarian Empire

Full name:   Government Type: Absolute Monarchy Leading Ideology: Shadow Aristocracy    Capital: Elysia   Head of State: The Laskarian Basileus   Head of Government: The Laskarian Basileus (Nobility)   Population: 57 Million   Flag:   Description: The Laskarian Empire is the modern incarnation of the ancient Elysian empire. Or at least claims to be it’s successor. The Empire used to span most of the continent at its height, being the only major power to overcome that of the ancient Draconian empire. While the modern empire is a shadow of its former glory, that glory still shines bright. It’s Patron Deity is that of its namesake, Roman Laskaris. The Empire is nominally an absolute monarchy, with power consolidated in the Emperor who sends ministers and governers to rule over areas of the empire on his behalf. Various smaller kingdoms, archduchys, princdoms and duchys make up a significant portion of the empire, the leaders of which pledge an oath of loyality to the Emperor during their corination. Outside of these political divisions, the empire is divided into districts called "Themes". Each Theme is run by a governer appointed by the Emperor, often a general. They are used to help with admintsative and Finacial divisions, and drafting the populace during times of war. However, the nobility has managed to gain significant control over the apriratus of state, and either more often then not manage to either puppet or dispose of the current Emperor.   Factions/Organizations:
Imperial Court: The Imperial Court is the Emperor's closest and most trusted advisors. Giving him advice on a variety of subject matters. It includes positions such as Grand Marshal, High Ambassador, and Consul of Agriculture. Members of the court are called "Consuls", with its head being known as the "High Consul". The High Consul is the Emperor's de-facto second in command.   Council of Lords: The Council of Lords is a board made up of every Count, Duke, Archduke, Prince, and King in the Empire. Every offically recognized noble has a position in the council. It was formed during the creation of the Empire. The board offers a place where the various nobility can work out their differences in a civilized manner, and conjure laws to be submitted to the Emperor.   Peasants Congress: The Peasants Congress is an group of elected officials choosen to represent the common folk and their grievances. They meet every 2 years and attempt to petition the Emperor. The Congress was origianlly formed after the Great Peasant Revolt following the Brothers war, as a way to give the commoners a voice in government. They hold no real political power however, having been stripped of it by the nobility over the years.   Extra Details:


Nobility in the Laskarian Empire
[N] (Nobility, Born into)   [T] (Title, Can be Gained)  
  • [N] Basileus (Emperor): Ruler of the Empire
  • [N] Antivasiléas (Emperor-Regent): Regent of the Empire
  • [N] Symbasileus (Crown Prince): Hier to the Empire
  • [T] Anthypatos (High Consul): Head of the Imperial Council/Court
  • [T] Hypatos (Consul): Member of the Imperial Council/Court.
  • [T] Strategos (General/Military Governor): Ruler of a Theme
  • [N] Kaiser (King): Ruler of a Kingdom
  • [N] Sebastokrator (Archduke): Ruler of an Archduchy
  • [N] Megas Doux (Grand Duke): Ruler of a Grand Duchy, or of 2 or more Duchys
  • [N] Doux (Duke): Ruler of a Duchy
  • [N] Prínkipas (Sovereign Prince): Ruler of a Princedom/Principality
  • [N] Komis (Count): Ruler of a County
  • [T] Ippótis (Knight/Warrior): Exceptional Warrior
  • -Mostly a Ceremonial Title, as most military officers are a separate class


    The old empire was offically "disbanded" at the end of the third Bruderkrieg, when it was federalized and reformed into the Imperial Federation.


    Laskarian Imperial States
    The Laskarian Empire is made of [Number] various Kingdoms, Princedoms, Archduchys and Duchys. An Archduchy has the same rank of a Kingdom. Each Kingdom and Archuchy is itself divided into various smaller duchies, principalities, and counties. With each leader pledging alliagence to the King/Archduke   Themes are military and administrative divisions within the empire, and do not represent political borders of the various inner states. Ruled by a Strategos, a Military-Governor, the themes are used for bureaucratic, financial, and recruiting purposes.   Kingdoms
    -Kingdom of Laskiria: Makes up half of the country. The King of Laskyr is the Laskarian Emperor, who often appoints a regent to rule in his place.
    -Kingdom of Kalifron: Massive Island off the Coast. Rich in natural resources and home to many mines. Almost home to the only known source of Anti-Magic that doesnt come from a person
    -Archduchy of Sachsen
    -Archduchy of Ellila
    -Archduchy of Durchdenwald
    -   Duchys
    -Duchy of Dessalonia
    -Duchy of Sezibond
    -Duchy of Eastphalia
    -Duchy of Phaedrias
    -Grand Duchy of Auster-Ghaullia
    -Grand Duchy of Helasya
    -Princedom of Bayern
    -Principality of Glesscher:
    -   Counties
    -Achter County
    -Thema Elysia
    -Thema Laskyria
    -Thema Arnika
    -Thema Ghaullia
    -Thema Phaedrias
            Imperial Overseas Territories
    The Empire has a number of overseas territories under its dominion. Lands in Qwevv, Endiria, and Drocaidas are all under the Imperial Crown.   Qwevv
    -Nova Nikomedia
    -Laskarian West Endiria Company
    -Federated Commonwealth of Iskander


    The Imperial Laskarian Armed Forces have their roots in the ancient legions of Elysia, and though they may have elvoved passed legion warfare, those roots are still evedent in their modern military.   -The Imperial Army (Ellinikós Stratós): The Imperial Army is divided into 2 main componets. The "Legionswehr" and the "Stratiótis". The Legionswehr, or Professional Army, is the army's permenant forces. A professional corp of volentarily enlisted men who have dedicated their careers to being soliders. During war time, the Legionswehr act as the Army's spearhead. Driving a wedge into the enemies forces. During Peace time, they act as the Sword of the Emperor. Helping enforce his will, pacify the country side, and assist in diaster relief. The Stratiotis, or Citizen Army, is a corp of citizen soliders raised through the Themes in times of war when the Empire is in need of men. They act as the main solider who holds the line against the enemy, defending their homes. When war has ended, and the Emperer disolves themes, each solider is given the an amount of land equal to their service straight from the Imperial Crownland. Or, if they proove skilled enough, offered a position in the Legionswehr. Each army has their own Jager, Calvary and Artillary Corp, (With the Legionswehr having its own Mage Corp), but share a logistics network. The Imperial Army uses an extensive and complex network of rail lines and ships to transport its men and supplies to the front in as quick a time as possible.   -The Imperial Navy (Kaiserlich Marine):     -The Imperial Aerial Corp (Ellinikí Aeroporía): The Ellinikí Aeroporía, or The Imperial Aerial Corp is a mix of a small airship fleet combined with Draconic Areial Units, coming together to form a small but highly effective force used to turn the tides of battle.     -The Imperial Guard (Spatharios) The Imperial Guard are a catch all term for the "Spatharios" (Swordbearer) units of the army. The Swordbeaers are the Elite of the Empire's forces. The most famous of the Spatharios include units such as
      1) The Varangian Guard: The Guard act as the Emperor's sole personal guard since the acention of Emperor Ioannis I. Due to the Varangian being recruited far outside the Empire's own borders (Often from Vultia, Ghaullia, and Rustov), they are seperate from the politics and internal squabbling between the various factions in the empire. The Praetorians of Elysia were infamous for their betrayals, and the Varangians were formed in an attempt to aviod this same problem. While effective, they did not completely phase out the Praetorian Guard until Ioannis's rise to power.
      2) The Wyrm Riders: A unit of Elite Calvary who ride dragons into battle. The humanoids who ride dragons train for years, and will often form a strong emotional bond with their dragon. A notable few of which have developed into romantic connections.
      3) The Aparithmitís:    4) The Rhodesian Riflemen:


    The official religion of the Empire is that of the Church of Roman Laskaris. Roman is the most popular diety in the empire, followed closely by Eleftheria and then Aequus. Citizens are allowed to worship who they please, with one notable exception. The Mother of Monsters. The Church of the Mother is banned, and the Carivian church has heavy rescrictions placed upon it within Imperial lands.


    The Empire's laws are derived from the ancient "Codex Juris Civilis" (Code of Civil Law). A basis of laws first implimented during the Kingdom of Laskyr, that worked off the ancient Elysian Law Codes

    "Für Gott, Basileus und Vaterland" (For God, Emperor, and Fatherland)

    373 PD - 1563 PD

    Geopolitical, Empire
    Alternative Names
    Laskaris, Laskaria, Imperial Laskaris
    Successor Organization
    Government System
    Monarchy, Absolute
    Power Structure
    Unitary state
    Economic System
    Elysia (Megapolis): Capital, built on a river delta and straight
    Ivros (Metropolis): Major port city and trade hub, also boasts a massive statue known as “The Colossus of Ivros”
    Rhodes (City): Fortress City, home to the Belisarius Academia. A major military academy
    Antiochea (City): Major Religious center, home of the Execuminical Cathedral
    Nikomedia (City): Origin of the old Nikomedian Dynasty
    Laurion (Town): Big Mining town.
    Libertas (City): An Ancient Religious center, founded by slaves liberated by the revolt Eleftheria led as a mortal and serves as the main center of worship for him as a God. Many foreigners come to the city on pilgrimages
    Lyzantion (Metropolis): Former Capital of the Empire before it was moved to Elysia, currently serves as the capital of the Kingdom of Laskyr. It acts as a major transportation hub, with most railways connecting to the city in some way.
    Laskarian Drachma
    Controlled Territories
    Neighboring Nations
    Notable Members
    Related Species