Laskarian Bruderkrieg

Political event


The Laskarian Bruderkrieg was a civil war that nearly brought the empire to its knees, causing it to loose over 50% of its territory. The empire would eventually reclaim most of its core ethnic population during the revolutions of 1248.

“Today starts a war of brothers, where our countrymen must fight and kill their own children. Never have I seen such a horrific tragedy of man's own making” -Flavia Veslak, Former Archduchess of Ghaullia
    Death of the Skleros Dynasty (1085)
The Skleros dynasty ruled the empire from 957 to 1085, with the death of Emperor Andronikos III on Aestatim 18th of 1085. The lack of an heir, and subsequent fall of the dynasty left the monarchy in dire straights. A regency council was declared until a new monarch could be elected. 3 Candidates were brought before the Grand Assembly of the Estates of the Laskarian Empire.   The Grand Assembly's Choice (1085)
3 candidates appeared for the throne, all members of Cadet brances from the Skleros Dyanasty. Grand Duke Johannes Lorraine, Archduke Frederick Wilhem von Atelíveg, and Sovereign Prince Alexios Besilag. Grand Duke Lorraine represented the "Alter Adliger". A faction of the aristocracy that represented the conservative and reactionary of nobles. Archduke von Atelíveg headed the Nickomedites, members of the nobility who upheld and supported the common man's rights. Prince Besilag represented the Métrios's. The Moderates, from those who wished to keep the status-quo to moderate reformists who wished for milquetoast change. Eventually, after 3 months of deliberation, the Grand Assembly elected Prince Besilag to become the next Emperor.   The Powder Keg (1085-1086)
Both the Alter Adligers and the Nickomedites contested the appointment of the Prince Alexios. All for differing reasons. The former objecting on the grounds of a lesser, semi progressive, noble being appointed to the position of Basileus. The latter due to what they believe to be an unqualified candidate on the throne. The Nickomedites soon calmed down after Archduke von Atelíveg officially accepted defeat. But the Adligers were still upset and they did not plan to sit idly by. The Coroniation was set for 13 months later, and would take place on Sangium 1st. During the coronation for Alexios, forces loyal to Grand Duke Lorraine and his allies stormed the capital. The Prince offered to sit down and talk things out with the men pointing swords at him, but was betrayed by his guard and swiftly executed. His head mounted on the steps of the Imperial Palace. The Grand Duke was then installed as Emperor.   The Keg Erupts (1086-1087)
The news of the Prince's execution sent shockwaves throughout the Empire. Sure, emperors had been overthrown before. Couped, Deposed, hell even executed. But none as public and brazen as this. Lorraine's first act as Emperor was to declare the Nickomedites enemies of the state, and order the arrest of Archduke von Atelíveg. The Archduke refused to be taken in, urging the people to resist the "False Basileus". Both men built up their bases. Most of the Nobility, including a good part of the Prince's former supporters, sided with Lorraine, while the common folk and remaining Grand Councilers backed the Archduke. The Clergy remained neutral, hoping to avert the bloodshed. But it was no use. The 2 Dukes' forces clashed for the first time the next year, and it would set the stage for the next century. Half a Century of Blood. The Bruderkrieg had begun.   Der Bruderkrieg| Phase 1: War of the Dukes (1087-1099)
The 12 year period from 1087 to 1099 is known as the "War of the Dukes" and signifies the first phase of the Bruderkrieg. This period was marked by the armies of House Lorraine and House von Ateliveg clashing at various battles alongside their allies. The Imperial Army had split, with most of the Legionswehr joining on the side of Lorraine. Most of the population however, refused to be called up for the Levy. The Strategoi who sided with the Alter Adliger attempted to force the population into conscription, but all this did was push them towards the Nickomedites. To attempt to even the odds, the Archduke offered autonomy and even full independence to various lands should they fight for him. Many accepted, further swelling the Archduke's numbers. Eventually, after 12 years of tug of war, Archduke von Atelíveg was killed in battle. Casuing most of his armies to collapse, and opponets to Lorraine were finally defeated or sent underground.   Der Bruderkrieg| Phase 2: Reign of Opression (1099-1104)
Lorraine spent the next 5 years attempting to secure his throne, reclaiming lands that delcared independence, and entrenching the power of the nobility over that of the other estates. The nobility that had supported von Atelíveg fled to Rustov, a longtime ally of the empire. The Tsar offered them asylum. This casued tension between Rustov and the new government, and though they still worked together the Tsar and Lorraine began to resent one another. Back home, Lorraine's policies began to cause a stir within the population. He began reigning in the independence of the Church, which caused the previously neutral clergy to pick a side. Even his own allies in the nobility turned against him after a Tax implimented emptied a hefty portion of their coffers. After his agarian policies caused a winter famine, the nation finally had enough. Protests were organized against the "False Basileus", demanding he step down. Thousands of Commoners, Clergy, and even some of the nobility took to the streets of the capital. The Duke turned Emperor responded by ordering his men to fire into the crowds, causing an event known as "Bloody Solisday". Using what he thought would be a show of force to dissuade further protests backfired spectactulary, as the people took to the streets and his soliders defected.   Der Bruderkrieg| Phase 3: The Revolution (1104-1105)
On Epanastasi 15th, the nation exploded. News of Bloody Solisday spread like wildfire, and sparked revolts against the monarchy and nobility. States promised freedom in the War of the Dukes declared independence. Over the course of a year, the empire pratically collapsed, but manged to cling to life in the heartlands. With the "False Basileus" deposed and executed for his crimes, a regent was declared to rule until another Emperor could be crowned. Manuel Dragases, The Strategos of the Elysian Theme was choosen. Dragases gained notoriety during the revolution, when he allowed revoluntionaries to enter the capital and relive their comrades within the city. Causing the defeat and capture of Lorraine.   Der Bruderkrieg| Phase 4: Reign of the Regent (1105-1142)
Dragases's reign as "Antivasiléas" (Emperor-Regent) lasted until his death in 1142, and is still reletively controversial to this day. Most look back on him as a stabilizing figure in a time of immense turmoil and strife. To some he is a among the greatest men in the history of the empire. Having saved the people from starvation and conquest. While to others he is just another power hungary despot who abused the position of dictator and the powers given to him by the Grand Assembly. The reality is much more complicated then people care to admit. Dragases, the former Strategos of the Elysian Theme, ascended to the role of Emperor-Regent with a mandate to stabilize the crumbling empire. His first challenge was addressing the widespread famine caused by the civil war and the chaotic policies of the former regime. To ensure food security, Dragases initiated an aggressive program to purchase and distribute grain, even if it meant emptying the imperial coffers. His proactive approach helped ease public discontent, reducing the potential for further rebellion. To support these efforts, Dragases implemented austerity measures and reallocated resources from non-essential projects to immediate needs. His cuts to certain public programs, though necessary, garnered criticism and sowed seeds of dissatisfaction among some aristocrats and commoners. Nonetheless, Dragases's initial policies effectively prevented widespread starvation, allowing the empire to begin rebuilding. With the immediate crisis of famine averted, Dragases focused on restoring order to the fractured empire. He launched a campaign to reclaim territories that had declared independence during the Bruderkrieg, leading to skirmishes with separatist factions. Dragases's military background and strategic prowess proved valuable as he skillfully navigated these conflicts, regaining control over key regions without causing further destabilization. During this period, Dragases sought to reestablish the authority of the central government. He reorganized the Imperial Army, implementing stricter discipline and loyalty checks to prevent mutinies. These efforts helped maintain a semblance of stability but also contributed to a more authoritarian atmosphere within the empire. The regent's approach of favoring loyalty over tradition led to some resistance from the old guard among the nobility, who saw their privileges being eroded. Beyond internal strife, the Laskarian Empire faced threats from neighboring regions and former allies. To solidify the empire's external borders, Dragases entered into alliances with key powers on the continent. His diplomatic efforts focused on fostering relationships with traditional allies while neutralizing potential threats. The regent's ability to navigate the complex political landscape helped secure the empire's borders, allowing him to focus on internal matters. As the empire regained stability, Dragases turned his attention to consolidating his power and furthering his authority as Emperor-Regent. He enacted reforms that centralized control within the imperial administration, reducing the autonomy of the nobility and the Church. These measures were seen as necessary to prevent future uprisings, but they also created resentment among those who had enjoyed greater freedoms. To maintain control, Dragases implemented a network of informants and secret police to monitor dissent within the empire. This surveillance state, while effective in preventing large-scale uprisings, created an atmosphere of fear and mistrust among the population. Critics accused Dragases of ruling through intimidation and violating the principles of the Grand Assembly. Despite these criticisms, Dragases's reign saw relative peace and stability compared to the turbulent years of the Bruderkrieg. His ability to maintain order, restore the economy, and manage external threats provided a foundation for the empire's recovery. However, his authoritarian approach and centralization of power would ultimately leave a lasting impact on the empire's governance structure, setting the stage for future conflicts and power struggles. Dragases's reign ultimately set the stage for subsequent changes in the Laskarian Empire's governance structure. While he provided stability during a critical time, his approach to power and control would be revisited and challenged in the decades that followed, leading to new movements for reform and eventually contributing to the broader wave of revolutions that would sweep the continent a century later.
  Der Bruderkrieg| Phase 5: Crowning of a Basileus (1142)
After the death of the Regent, the Grand Assembly decided it was time to finally crown a new monarch. With this, they elected Alexios Xenarchos to be crowned Alexios II. Marking an officail end to the Bruderkrieg

Related timelines & articles
History of the Laskarian Empire