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Aeolian Archipelago


The Aeolian Archipelago, or Aeolian Isles (Αιολίδες Νήσοι), also known as the Aeolian Krater, is a group of eight islands (and rumors exist of five more) that travel in a constellation in the Oceans and Seas around the Continent of Atlantis. Their movement is said to be erratic - "they move as the winds direct them" - is often the phrase, used to determine why they move as they do.

  The Eight Islands are said to be dedicated to the Anemoi Winds. There are eight main wind lords/gods that are represented in the Tower of Winds and these are the mainstay of the winds of profit as merchants refer to them. However, there are thirteen winds in total - twelve are named and one is unnamed, said to blow only in Hades.

Among the known Islands are the Seven Visible Islands, and a Single Invisible Island said to represent the eight main winds, and they serve as the bases for the Monastic Orders of the Monks that operate throughout Atlantis.

The Aeolian Krater

This name refers to the shape of a Goblet that is formed by the islands positions in the ocean at any given time. It is said to change in orientation sometimes also, with each Isle taking on a different role in the formation of the 'Cup'. A Krater is a Cup that was used to water-down wine when it was being drunk, and the Aeolian Isles always form this shape in the Ocean, no matter where they travel.
It is thought that evidence from the Manuchihr Globe made in Mashhad 1632-33 AD, according to Atlantean Library Records.(Chronic Anachronism), indicates that the islands are in fact tied to the movement of the stars in the Krater Constellation.
Interestingly the star sign Krater was originally shown with seven visible stars after the Wine Cup of Apollo was hurled into the Heavens as a permanent reminder to respect the will of the Gods. Sages have considered the Monks' choice of islands to signify their throwing away of the effects of alcohol.

The Lipari Isles

The Lipari Isles is the name given to the five most noteworthy of the eight isles.  


This Volcanic Isle is said to be powered by the Forge of Vulcan (the Latin Hephaestian Avatar) and takes the form of an active volcano in geography as a result. The isle floats among the other Aeolian Isles and is said to be the home of the Wind.

  The Monks of the Forge have a Monastery on this large isle, and seek to harden their bodies just as iron is hardened in the forge. The Monks of the Forge are not one of the Aeolian Monastic Orders - being outsiders to their methods.


  The island of Lipari is largely flat, with rolling hills that are used by the Order of Zephyr for the training of steeds and monks alike. Lipari Steeds are among the best on the continent, and it is here that Tarpan and Konik Horses are brought for intense training. This is the site of the Horse Gate. The main order of Zephyr Monastery is based here along with one of it's subordinates, the Order of the Unicorn.


  The large island of Salina (formally Didymos - the Twin Peaked Island) is home to two Monasteries. The first is the main Aeolian Monastery of Boreas, administered under the Regula Magistra Boreas (Rule of the Master Boreas)

The second order is that of the Windsteed - one of the sub-orders of the Order of Zephyr.

Filcudi   Alcudi  

The Triangle of Laws (The Triad)

The Three or the Triad are the three other islands that are the regions used exclusively by Non-Good monastic orders. These champions of law and control - follow very strict rules of engagement and ritual when meeting one another and those from outside their respective orders.

To the outsider the Triad groups of monks and their methods appear chaotic - but they are not.


Panarea is one of the most idyllic and tranquil places on the entire planet. Yet it is the residence of the Monastic Order of Eastern Storms.


The invisible isle. This appears to be merely a rock - barely noteworthy and yet it moves with the other islands, and is said to indeed have a monastery (of sorts) somewhere on it. Pilgrims must travel to the 'isle' scale intense cliffs and brave many dangers, just to meet the sole master that is rumored to reside upon the rock. He is said to be the only truly neutral monk in the world and called Calegaros.
It is known that the surrounding monasteries send champions to the isle in order to challenge this master - but none ever return - in one piece - all return with missing hands, and tongues. Sometimes only the tongue or the hands are returned by self-directed boats. Few seek to test Calegaros.

There is an Order of the Shadows Monastery based on this island, however it is not known if the master of the isle is a part of this group or not. It may be that they are responsible for the mutilation of other monks who venture on to the island.


    also known as Orodruin ("fiery mountain") and Amon Amarth ("mountain of fate"), is said to be a Mountain of Doom - a volcano destined to wreak havoc on the World at some point. It is a Titanean Mountain that has not been mastered, and the living repose of all of the Evil Anemoi - Wind-Lords. It is most noted for its Palace of the Wind Notos.


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