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Dwarf - Atlantean

Atlantean Dwarf


  The Atlantean Dwarf is a sub-species of Mountain Dwarf that has been alternately blessed (and at times cursed) by Vulcan/Hephaestus, Athena, and even Poseidon, down through the ages. The Atlantean Dwarf is typical in terms of Dwarven interests and approaches to life. Their approach to life stems from being born INSIDE mountains, and experiencing the surface world after having tunneled or followed underground rivers out.

Local Geographical Origins

  The Atlantean Dwarven Race comes from the the Kingdom of Kharazad being the main range that covers some 6% of the Atlantean Land Mass from North to South.

Links to AD&D 2nd Edition Rules

  Dwarf Race Particulars

Detection Proficiencies (From Page 48 of the Complete Book of Dwarves)

All Dwarves can gain five or more Detection Abilities - based on the Players Options Book: Skills & Powers, these detection proficiencies can be increased in ability (all are now based on Wisdom) as per the Complete Dwarves Book, through use of detection proficiency points. 

Basic Information


The Atlantean Dwarf has all of the physical traits of the Mountain Dwarf. Morphologically identical in all aspects except for the eyes - all Atlantean Dwarves now have only one functional eye - some have a left eye, some a right eye remaining - but all have lost one eye. Each dwarf usually replaces the missing orb with a gem or magical eye-piece.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The loss of one eye has long been compensated for in the training of each dwarf, so no loss of acuity takes place in combat. However, the presence of a magical eye replacement can result in extra-sensory abilities on the part of the Dwarf. Any Atlantean Dwarf reaching 5th level will receive a vision from Vulcan or Hephaestus as to the location of a Magical Eye or the materials needed to forge one. The results of the enchantments on such an eye differ from Dwarf to Dwarf, but all gain an Eye of Enhancement.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The families of the Dwarves are said to name themselves from their specialty or the rock/gem type that their particular family line sprang when the first Dwarves were self-generated, or from the metal that their family mastered (for Hill Dwarves). Often these very stones are also included in some way on the Birthstones borne by each Dwarf.

Major Organizations

Every Dwarven family can state which generation they came from. The First Power - are the royal family linked to Atlantis and Dwarf Kind equally. (Bloodstone Bound). The Second Power are the four families of the Caves (The Cavern Masters or Eth Te'jara) who are each named for their role taken from the Stele of Athena. The Third Power Dwarves are the eight families of the Mountain Dwarves (The Mountain Masters), the Fourth Power Dwarves being the sixteen Hill Dwarf families (The Forge Lords),who combined together formed the Wheel of Runes and are also known as the Rune Lords. Finally, the Fifth Power Dwarves (The Boundary Lords) being the Limit-masters, who keep the borders safe but also keep traditions strong.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

The Kharazad Dwarves developed first totally underground, their experience was initially limited to the caverns and mines in the roots of the Mountains. Their experience of colors and distances were limited. They were amazed at the colors of different gemstones, and once they had burrowed out of the mountains to encounter the surface world they soon came to realise how small their part of the world had been.

But they still revere the colors of Gemstones - it was the pursuit of gems within underground rivers that led them to the surface, and it was there that they encountered the rainbow effect of water in the bright light of the Sun. Rainbows are seen as unformed gems and in Dwarven eyesight they can see Eight Colors in the Rainbow - Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet. and Infrared (Biri Rjoth (Near Red) in Dwarvish). 

Several Dwarven Clans incorporate rainbows in some way into their Clan symbols as a result of this honoring of the phenomenon.


The Dwarven race started spontaneously with the birth of twins to Poseidon and Kleito - the King Autokthon and Prince Mnesses. They were the first dwarves.
Then came the Te Jara - the Four - four Dwarves born inside the key mountains of the Dwarven Kingdom - who encountered the Goddess Athena directly as she gave them her Holy Stele of four key words.

Later Eight Mountain Dwarves appeared inside mountain caves and fissures and began tunneling, each bearing a Rune on their body, then sixteen other Dwarves appeared inside the Foothills - also bearing similar marks. From these third and fourth generations we gain the Dwarven 24 Rune Alphabet and with it the Rune Magic of the Dwarves.

Some time later it is said that 32 more dwarves appeared in various mountains, volcanoes and cliffs - each denoting a limiting point to the Kharazad Empire. Within the Dwarven people is the belief that they are born of Hephaestus's loss - the loss of his hand gives exponential growth to the groups of dwarves who appeared. Others say it was from Poseidon, still others indicate Athena's intervention that gave them laws, and finally Demeter herself is said to be linked to them. Regardless, the Dwarves are bound to the gods in many ways.

Of late, the idea of Hephaestus being the main master god of the Dwarves has increased due to the loss of one eye being experienced by all dwarves. Previously it had been known that Hephaestus had once been a Dwarf - in ancient times he was recognised as such. So it is thought he influenced the race's form in some way. But Hephaestus has used the loss of an eye as a mark of honor for each Dwarf. When they perform a task that brings honor upon their race, Hephaestus or a noble cause, it is often at such a time that a dwarf will lose an eye in some way. It is said that the dwarves train to never have this affect their vision and they gain a boon of a magical replacement when they have passed their tests - this all goes to support the theory that the dwarven race are destined to replace the Cyclops Race as the helpers of Hephaestus.

Kingdom of Kharazad and Atlantia Planetia cover
Kingdom of Kharazad Map
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Homo Dwarvenus
347 years
Conservation Status
The current number of dwarves on the continent is not known, as the race largely keeps to themselves, but it is known that they have never had more than twins in a single birth.
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations
Related Ethnicities


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