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Human Atlantean Currency


The Atlantean Currency is based on the standard Gold Piece, however the Orichalcum Coin - forged from De-consecrated Orichalcum replaces EP (Electrum Pieces) of the standard AD and D currency.

Chronic Anachronism Factor

Atlantean Currency is itself a Chronic Anachronism. It appears as mid-1500s Spanish Doubloon style currency.

Atlantean View Of Currency Markings and Engravings

    Any Atlantean asked about the currency will simply state that the shapes involved are runes or sigils of Wealth and Protection. Even the most learned of Mages and Sages will commonly identify the markings as being:

  Cross Form - is the Atlantean Sigil for the four cardinal directions guarded by the lights of Pyros - the Pyramid Lighthouse of Atlantis.

  Curved Markings on the Obverse and Reverse of the Coins - symbolise the ocean currents of Poseidon's Realm. The reverse of the coins have a small letter 'A' to represent Atlantis itself. It is said that the Omega symbol is hidden in each coin design to represent the eternal nature of the Kingdom too.

Atlantean Standard Currency

1 Dragon Piece(DP) = 50 Gold Pieces

1 Platinum Piece (PP) - 2 GP

1 Gold Piece (GP) - 1 GP

2 Orichalcum Piece (OP) - 1 GP

10 Silver Pieces (SP) = 1 GP

100 Copper Pieces (CP) - 1 GP


Dragon Piece

This Unit of currency was created to offset the influx of coin from Dragon Hordes - it is said that the Crown would pay Adventurers in DP for the Dragon Horde coins brought into the coffers of the Kingdom.


Platinum Piece

These are rare coins not often struck due to the scarcity of the metal in Atlantis.


Gold Piece

The Cold Piece is the base coin for the currency in Atlantis.


Orichalcum Piece

This is linked to the Orichalcum used by Poseidon's temple and when de-consecrated it is used in currency. It is an amalgam of Gold and Orichalcum.


Silver Piece

The Silver Piece is worth one tenth of the Gold Piece. It is said that the value has always been kept low compared to Gold to ensure that it is more available for common folk to use against Undead and Lycanthropes. The melting of silver pieces to coat weapons is equal to twice the value of the weapon in Gold (in the number of Silver Pieces needed). So, a 5 GP sword will take 100 SP to effectively coat the edges in silver.


Copper Piece

The Copper Piece is in some cultures referred to as Orichalcum due to the similarity of it in looks to real Orichalcum. It is used as Copper - from the Isle of Cupros (Copper).

Manufacturing process

The coins are smelted in the Royal Mint which is said to be housed somewhere near the Royal Palace - it's exact whereabouts is not known.
Atlantean Currency: Gold (Gold), Silver (Silver), Copper (Grey) and Orichalcum (Bronze) Coins
Dragon Piece
Item type
Currency & Deeds
Subtype / Model
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Owning Organization
1 Coin = 1/10th of a lb
Raw materials & Components
Each coin type is assayed to be at least 90% pure, however over the years this has dropped to as little as 50% in real value. Care must therefore be taken in dealing with coins as the counterfeit coins are expanding in reach.


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