Polly Knucklebones Character in Terralba | World Anvil
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Polly Knucklebones

Dread Polly Knucklebones (a.k.a. Old Hag of Bekkar Marsh, Mary Pottaskefill, The Dreaded Hag, The Pot-Scraper)

Physical Description

Facial Features

Dreadfully ugly, but will always try to disguise it as a fair maiden as Mary Pottaskefill.

Special abilities

Polly has a special bond with the location she corrupts, now possessing the ability to manipulate even the flora of her forest to serve her.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Valhol Vampyres

After losing her throne, the Dreaded Hag found herself in the company of a powerful Vampyre in Valhol Hold. While in her beautiful disguise of Mary Pottaskefill, Polly watched from captivity the ways and secrets of Vampyrical necromancy will an almost childish curiosity. Building upon her already vast knowledge of the magics she managed to develop the proper techniques and revise the rituals, all she needed was some tutoring to build upon this.   When the Master Vampyre finally chose the fair Mary to be his next feast, Polly revealed her true Hag nature to the unsuspecting necromancers. She had a deal for them; They would stall whatever dark or underhanded plans they were devising and direct all of their efforts into teaching Polly the mastery of the necromancy art. In return, Polly would renounce her faith in the Winter Queen and devote herself to the Upirism religion, something which no Hag had ever thought of before her. Believing they could attain a powerful ally, the Vampyres accepted the bargain and after years of teaching the Dethroned Hag had just become powerful enough in the magical arts to take revenge on Peggy Mudwallow.   However, before she would leave to travel to her soon-to-be home of Bekkar Marsh, Polly decided she needed a memento of this place. As the Vampyres had sealed their end of the bargain it was time for her to respect her end. In her first religious ritual of being Wapierzic, and her first use of her master necromancy, Dread Polly came down with a furious wrath upon the Master Vampyre and his followers. Polly had assimilated the Vampyres' bloodline into her own newly established one and in turn, evolved the Master into an Oni demon for her own nefarious use.  

The Old Hag of Bekkar Marsh

In 1669EM, Polly Knucklebones made her new home in the old Millhouse on the Bekkar River, accompanied by her faithful Oni thrall. For the decades after she would stalk the edges of the Bekkar Marshes, preying on travellers wandering just a little too near the Dreaded Hag's territory.   With the bodies, Polly started decorating her territory with the carcasses of those wanderers, hanging them from trees and striking more fear into locals' hearts. Leftover insides would be turned into varieties of potions and brews of Polly's own concoction, brews that would find their ways into the taverns of Talvel's Point.   At the turn of every century, the Dreaded Hag would   As per her title, Polly would rip the fingers off of children she abducted with the mill of her home. Then, she would proceed to boil the skin and meat off of the bones in her cauldron and take the knuckle bones to make dice and the rest to make toothpicks. Toothpicks used to pick out the remaining bits of children she had for the last night's feast.


Social Aptitude

Even before she lost her Throne, Polly was independent from the other Hags, choosing the fully solitary life rather than forming a coven and having to cope with being someone's equal.
Divine Classification
Neutral Evil
Current Location
Year of Birth
1000 EM 1125 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born from the Winter Queen
Black, piercing
Long and frayed, a tangled mane of black hair
160 lbs
Other Affiliations

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