Daily Life of Valonian: The Journalist Prose in Terraloga | World Anvil

Daily Life of Valonian: The Journalist

Work in progress. Subject to change.
This article contain sensitive elements
The article contain nudity and possibly sexual activities

This is a story of Legna. She lives in the Valone suburban working at the local publishing house not too far from there. Her house is a luxury yet affordable, with lots of rooms and a running water from aqueduct. She bought it after her adventure epic serial fictions brought the company fortune.

She begins her day with fresh breakfast - mostly delicious fried eggs with store-brought breads seasoning with fish sauce. Fish sauces are very popular among Valonians. In Valone, they are imported from coastal towns like Eulesiria. She cooks this for her husband and her son as well. Once the sun rises, everyone go to work.

As the journalist, her job is to find and write news for the company's newspaper. Because it needs to be distributed across the kingdom, it has to be interesting and relatable such as gossips, celebrity lifes and famous court cases. Using wax tablets, she gathers them from every source possible, whether from rumors, interviewing, or official statements. She said she can only cover topics inside Valone, but once the war is over, she will surely go outside to find more.

The news then will be spell-checked and fact-checked by Zeth, the company president and her uncle. He manages everything inside the company from journaling, staff management, to supplies gathering, and giving her shelter when she was little. Once he verify the issue, it will be copied by his hard-working freemans. Then, all the copies are distributed throughout the kingdom via Partus Publicus, selling to merchants, and for the people of Valone, they just stick it on the notice at Val Forum. He trust Legna to continue his business once he died, so she have to learn with him all the time.

She goes to the Quarryman's Pub at noon, the famous place for quarry workers from the otherside. Most favorite meals she like to eat is the grilled fish in brown savory sauce - old family recipe, serving with slices of bread and a glass of beer. Sometimes she's able to order a mouth-watering steak.

The afternoon is free time. She can either go back to work or find entertainment. She said she like boxing, it's exciting and fun to see mans beating each other. However not as grand as her favorite one - the glorious, prestigious horse racing.

The evening is a bathing time. Despite many public baths in the city, she prefers to use hers at home - she don't like to show her body. With a lantern she walk back home. It's a long way through but guards are everywhere, she feels safe all the time.

The dinner she bought from the market are various but simple; A couple of fruits and smoked meats. Unlike ordinary family, as her couples having heavy duty jobs, they agree that these are enough to support the night. They put out all light before sleeping time, preparing for the next day in paradise.

"Of course, don't forget the bread!" she concluded.

Story by L.Gilmis, Edited by Zeth Nuros
Summer of Year 389


Author's Notes

This is from the Daily Life of Valonian. Feedbacks are welcomed :)
11/3/21 - Some addition
10/5/24 - Major revise

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