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Krin-Gion Pantheon

Krin-Gion Pantheon is the body of myths and legends told by ancient Gion and Krin, which became the latter main religion and the majoritiy of the South Estisia, influencing their political and traditions for millenniums. it spreads across from West to East Coast, and some part of the northern Gate Lowland.

The pantheon consists of 10 deities, each of which represent various aspecst of natures, spirits, and human lives. Some are intertwining with others, and some are working with the same topics - with different usages. It not include minor that but associate with the popular one. It's originated from Lake Gios, yet the Krin variants made the big influence also, thus combining into what historians called Krin-Gion Pantheon.

Divine Origins

Gion, the ancient people of Lake Gios worshipped multiple deities. Their rich culture and historical greatness was told in a form of myths, legends, and traditions. Their temple had spreading outside the lake through Gioson River, which then became prominent in the east coast long after the fall of their civilization around 900 BVE.

The people migrated and adapted their beliefs into wherever foreign cultures accepted, becoming something else. Some deities kept the same beliefs. Some being assimilated with local gods. Some deities died. Although having common roots, beliefs were sliced and diversed, becoming local cults with endless variations, hard to categorize.

It wan't until the Krin, claming to be the descensants of Gion, and its empire, had decided to put them together into one place, as an attempt to form the unity through faiths among its massive territory, the well-known pantheon was born.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Many professions likely to worshop their related deities. For examples, Verideus and Talus belongs to officers as a foundation of the empire law and military. They wrote a code of law in the name of Verideus. They won't declare blind wars unless any omen from Talus said so. The Millet Festival that worship Galvon after successful harvest, became the national events to survey the empire overall food production.

The legacy and the empire longivity also kept the pantheon alive. It had been passed on through migration especially Valonian, who implemented Luumism into it.

Union of Beliefs

Myths surround these local deities for so long, which is very sprase depending on which communities they were worshipped, but it's until the certain Krin oral traditions that collect and justify which make them became easy-to-learn to new followers. The Pantheon of Kriton was built in Knirk for such purpose as the place to worship their lovely gods over a single place, uniting their citizens.

The Ten Deities of Krin-Gion Pantheon

The Founders



God of Sky, Creation, and Family
The Father of all Gods
The King of Gio

The personification of Earth. According to myths, he created Earth as a vessel to travel across the void of the universe. He's a husband of Urfermin and the sister of Tinol.

He's humble and wiseful as being seen in traditional believe, although being glorified later as powerful king who oversee the humankind.

He embodies the geography, the essential elements of life, and the leader of the family. He has earth, water, fire, weather, patriarchy and fatherhood as main symbols.

...Once he resided at the shore surrounded by mountain, the Gio was formed...
— The City of Gods


Goddess of Marriage and Life
The Mother of all Gods
The Queen of Gio

The wife of Gios, who gave brith to seven childs. She represent marriage, soulmate, and pregnancy. She's seen as the ideal wife for Krin.

She can manipulate life, turning matters into creatures - same with her husband, but instead of forming shalters like he does, she forms inhabitants.

She has animals, mostly livestock, houses, and crowns as her symbols. She appears as the ideal women for Krin male.

In the name of Urfermin, the represent of love longivity, Will you accept this woman and honor her until the end of your life?
— Krin priest told to the groom


Goddess of Death, Star, and Virginity
Mother of Celestial Beings
Queen of the Underworld

The leader of the underworld. The sister of Gios, she's the only founder who have no spouse. Without her, every life on Earth will be immortal, and the Earth will be destroyed.

When one life come to an end, the spirits arrive at her palace, where she judge and grant them access to the underworld so they can live in peace.

She has ice, star, and plague as her symbols. Her appearance embeded in many cementry entrance and some onto upper-class tomb.

Burying them with their belonging and they won't be lost in the afterlife. Everything will be fine, my love.
— Husband

The Children



God of Laws, Leadership, and Justice
King of The Pantheon

Believed to be the first child of Gios and Urfermin, he's born with strength and agility, yet having honest and loyalty in his heart. He enthrone the king of Gio after the Great Disturb.

He can manipulate mortals to do anything he wanted, but he rather choose to judge and challenge them. His myths inspire the Kriton Laws, the official code of laws used by Empire of Kritus that also descand to Valonian.

He has the scales, tablets, scrolls, and thrones as his symbols.

Under the ancient law of Verideus, I greatly believe that [blank], Son of [blank], is innocent.


God of Smithing, Craftsmanship, and Wisdom
Architect of Gio

He is able to craft everything, smith every tools, and build every houses he wished, all without any flaws and mistakes.

He can turn a brittle lump of metal into the sharpest and strongest sword that never chipped, and turn the fire on a stick into the powerful forge. With that, he's seen as the precise and wise-ful.

He appears as a blacksmith with skinny arms, having a hammer, a chisel, scrolls, and an anvil as his symbols. Valonians worship Omendeus as their official god.

If only they value Omedeus like they do with Talus, I wouldn't have end up like this.


Goddess of Love, Art, and Pleasure
The Artistic Lover

The couple need good match, and that's what Laviona can related to. Be loyal to each other and they shall got a successful love life. She has the beautiful face that can attract every lover.

She's has much of the power that Urfermin has. In fact, she can become Urfermin, but seeking for love rather then settling for the matching spouse.

She always have a kindest heart in mind. She uses music, arts, and poets as the ways to spread her kindness. Thus, she has harps, statues, poetry, writings as her symbol.

She has the face of Laviona. Everywhere she move, men stop their actions just to keep staring.
— Myth of Beauty and Envy


God of War, Warfare, and Fighting
The Chaotic Lawful Warrior

The god for the leader of conflict. The power of decipline and talent of swinging swords can led anyone to the victory.

Mamy myths represents him as bloodlust and brutal, yet very discipline and strategic. Many wars always associated with Talus. He usually have conflict with his brother Verideus, who like to achieve peace via diplomacy rather than forces.

If Verideus is a ruler, Talus is a loyal general, who can fight and beat even the toughtest enemies, and no one can stop him. It was the Krin's most influential god. He has swords, shields, armors, and flags as his symbols.

In the power of Talus, we shall find victory!
— Krins' war motto


Goddess of Sea, Moon, and Star
The Guider of the Nightsky

The twin sister of Edethisefe, she has the power of the sea, ruling, and controlling the aquatic life and the tide of the waterworld.

The sea is upon the horizon, and the star can guide you to everywhere in the ocean even in the darkest time. It can mean explore or whatever. Her vessel has a sail made of the Gios' wood and sail waven with Galvon's vines. In some believe she ride the Moon Chariot across the sky, and with the aid of Edethisefe, they form a daylight cycle.

She symbolize the urge to explore and the way of water. She has boats, spears, night, moon, and stars as the symbols.

May Ameth and Limm help us
Legna and Casto on the way back to Valone


Goddess of Harvest, Fertility, and Season
The Mother Earth

She has her parent's powers that formed Earth. She can turn every plants to bear fruits, make animals healthy, and wipe away the deceases. She can fills the land with life, and raises them as if they're her own child.

When she become depressed for half a year, the leaf turns brown, the animals become starve, and the ground turns colder. When she becomes angry, the sky turn darker, and rainstorms form up.

Worshipping with the feast of wheats and millets will bring the good weather and good yields for the next harvest season. She has a vases, plows, grains, fruits, vegetables, water, and as her symbol.

Galvon's Sorrow has never been dried out. Beautiful, isn't it?
Odos Holutius during his expedition


God of Sun and Horse
The Man Who Shine

The twin brother of Amethisefe. He ride the Chariot of Sun as to oppose her who ride the chariot of moon. He's seen as the ideal horse charioteer and sportmen, with good and muscular physicality.

He has a Chariot of Sun with a light of a thousand fire, going around the Earth as to oppose the Chariot of Moon that his sister ride.

His symbols include saddles, bows and arrows, light, and of course - horses.

At last, the Chariot of Moon overtake the Chariot of Sun, and the darkness is over...
— The Creation of Eclipse


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Jul 5, 2024 12:48 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Great collection of gods. I think Amethisefe is my favourite. :)