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Goddess of the Moon - Greater Deity

    The moon begins her ascent from the horizon in a graceful, majestic arc—soft luminous light flooding the landscape below. As she rises in the heavens, pulsing beams of radiant moonlight waken and transform the world far below her.     Light and energy streaming from her toward earth intensify as she approaches the zenith of her nightly journey.     Within this matrix of light-energy, a form begins to coalesce, slowly and indistinctly at first, then quickly gaining focus and definition.     The Moon Goddess materializes with breathtaking clarity and radiant beauty— compassion and unconditional love radiating from the core of Her being.     Descending from the higher spiritual realms into the physical world, She arrives to bestow Her blessings, guidance, and healing grace.   Much like the sun goddess Mirimae - Goddess of the Sun, Azrael never assumed the form of a mortal. Her entire existence spawned from man's fascination and curiosity with a celestial object high up in the sky. People would stare longingly and gaze upon the beauty of the moon, and it would evoke strong emotions and offer periods of deep reflection. The moon was also linked to the sun, with many calling the two sisters. When the sun would set and rest in the evenings, her equally beautiful sister would rise and envelop the land in light and love.   In many parts of Lothlonde , for instance, there are many holy sites that have been erected in Azrael's honor. One such place exists in the The Moonwood Vale, where it is rumored that Azrael's influence was so strong that large parts of the forest have become petrified and frozen in time.


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