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Maiden of the Mountain - Intermediate Deity

  Mithriane is a goddess revered most notably by the dwarven race. Since the beginning of time, the dwarves strove to go up. In almost every case, this meant scaling and colonizing dauntingly tall mountains. In the lands of Hasdall, the tallest of these tall peaks is in Central Hasdall, The Carigon Mountains. It is here that the dwarves lived for a generation in great prosperity atop the highest peak in the world. They considered the mountain to be sacred; they revered it as a living, breathing being. They followed this belief so much so that they turned their reverance into devotion. The dwarves believed that the gods had blessed them with good luck, specifically, the mother of the mountain for giving them such fertile and welcoming lands to call their own. The dwarves treated the mountain well and with respect, and in return they lived a life of prosperity and happiness for a long time. It wasn't until greed clouded their judgment and distracted them from their love of the mountain that they saw their fortunes change. When the dwarves cut deeper and further down into the mountain, seeking increasing riches and valuable ore, the mountain rebelled. But such is the nature of dwarves, greed is often their downfall. And while the maiden of mountain is a kind mother, so too can she be a harsh mother. Harsh, but fair. Once the dwarves were forced out of the mountain and to the surface, many of the dwarves ignored their own misjudgments, and redirected their blame on Mithriane. They fled the mountain both in fear of what she had wrought upon them, and in anger towards her. There were some, however, that remained atop the mountain and still do to this day. These dwarves shun those that abandoned their ancestral home, and swore to spend the rest of their lives in devotion and servitude to Mithriane, as an act of charity for their misgivings. Da Hefthyn Nograk - The Mountain Guardians, as they are known, maintain a staunch devotion to Mithriane, but sourly distrust and hold hatred to any outsider that dare taint their ancestral home.    Worship of Mithriane is varied. Da Hefthyn Nograk - The Mountain Guardians worship their maiden, and hold a very isolated set of ideals. Most others, however, maintain a more rational and respectful devotion, a proper worship that honors Mithriane's other-worldly presence high atop the lands below. It is common before a long journey into the mountains to visit a shrine to Mithriane, and to offer prayers in devotion to her, for her presence is felt very strongly by those that seek to follow her with an open heart. 


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