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An upstart band of fanatical zealots, believed to be in service to the goddess Sariel, the Nyx'arra are a relatively unknown entity in Central Hasdall and Lothlonde . Riders from the northern kingdom narrowly escaped an ambush from several men wearing dark cloaks while on the road to The City of Merciwyne. Local apothecaries tended to the wounds for no charge, in exchange for information on the attacks. The riders obliged, and within two days were well enough to charter a boat across The North Sea back home, to inform their kingdom of the news. The men described several of the attackers donning a symbol on a necklace that resembled some form of amethyst colored dagger.  
Nyx'arra crest, as described by riders from Lothlonde


Little is known of the mysterious denizens calling themselves "Nyx'arra", translated from the under-elven drow language to mean "blood queen". Believed to be fanatical zealots of the herald of evil, Sariel, their existence was only recently discovered within the past six months by riders from Lothlonde seeking lodging in The City of Merciwyne, before chartering a ship home. 

Ku'lam'shona, udossta valshaharess

Founding Date
Religious, Cult
Alternative Names
Followers of Sariel


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