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The North Sea

The North Sea is a marginal body of water, lying between North and Central Hasdall, north of The Carigon Mountains, and east of The Ashen Ocean. It extends north to Wrothmïr and the polar ice caps, and is bounded on the east by the coasts of Fellcrest and Harksmir. The North Sea is the largest completely landlocked body of water on the planet Terram, extending south through The Strait of Traders to the southern most reaches of Central Hasdall and southwestern Harksmir.  This southern section of The North Sea is sometimes referred to as The Hasmir Sea, despite the fact that it is connected to The North Sea. The strait of traders narrows to 10 miles wide before opening back up into several hundred miles of open water. 


Although it is not considered a freshwater body of water, The North Sea is approximately 3% salinity by volume, classifying it as a brackish body of water - less saline than oceanwater, but moreso than freshwater. 


The North Sea typically experiences rougher waters with cooler air temperatures than the calmer and much more temperate waters of the southern portion of the sea, often called The Hasmir Sea. Colliding air masses create volatile weather patterns in a very active weather zone of planet Terram.

Fauna & Flora

FLORA:  Many rare and endemic plant species of Harksmir and Fellcrest are associated with tidal areas of the Hammara River Delta and the Giplitt River Delta. Loose sands on the coasts of both of these areas are a conducive habitat for unique plants and flora not found anywhere else. Varying water levels in the sea, however, make longterm sustainability of organisms across generations difficult. Several flowers that have thrived, despite the varying coastline conditions, include the Tevinnis Meladron, and the L'moki Kynnis, showy freshwater flowers with vibrant petals and rigid stalks.    FAUNA:  Several freshwater species of turtle have migrated and found the lightly salinated waters hospitable, and have adapted to the environment. They have developed rougher, more briny outer shells over millenia, and natives value them for their succulent meat. Several species of mussel, sturgeon, and carp are also commonly located in these waters, among many others. 
Alternative Name(s)
The Hasmir Sea (southern portion)


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