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Sylweth Joss

Sylwyth Geharis Joss

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Physically fit, fairly brawny for an elf

Facial Features

Scar under left eye

Identifying Characteristics

Facial scarring

Physical quirks

In colder climates, left arm will ache and throb, due to an old, nagging injury

Special abilities

Can imbue otherwise mundane objects with minor magical effects

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Within the last two years of the war against the warmancer Sariel , Sylwyth was still in his youth, almost recognized as an adult by elven culture/standards. His beloved uncle Geharis Joss, left the elven homeland to join the war as an officer (serving with a highly decorated cadre of cavalry). Sylwyth begged and plead with his father, Osmund Joss, to let him join his uncle, but to no avail. His father forbade it entirely. Instead pushing Sylwyth to study the arcane arts as his family had pursued many generations. Unhappy with this turn of events, Sylwyth stole a horse from his father’s stables and rode south into kingdoms with which he was unfamiliar.     In the journey Joss fell in with a merchant caravan transporting weapons and goods towards the fighting. Just a few days ride from a training camp, the caravan was waylaid by brigands and deserters. Joss came to be injured, having his arm mangled and striking his head, losing consciousness. When he awoke, he was being tended to by the acolytes at the training camp, precisely where he wanted to be, but with no real chance of joining the armies with his injuries. He had to work off debts accrued from being treated by the acolytes and was taken on by a smith who worked at the camp, a crippled dwarf by the name of Hemke.   Hemke wasn’t a harsh character to work for, but he expected precision, persistence, and obedience. In the (months) time it took Joss to recover full use of his arm, he learned a great deal of smithing, taking well to the lessons of how a smith moved iron and steel. Even after his arm was fully healed, he still had dizzy spells from hard exertion. Hemke watched, seeing how Joss’ fought against his limits. He cautioned the youth against envy, observing the way he coveted a place among the infantry that left the camp time after time.  
Sylweth Joss, working under the tutelage of the blacksmith Hemke. Despite the heavy bandaging and bracer of support on his injured right arm, Sylweth worked through the pain to appease his master. "Arm is feeling better Master Hemke," Sylweth always said.
  At some point Joss fled once more. He followed the troops as they marched south and west. He camped within sight of the regiment, following them with the intention of joining their force. But he was never to see battle with them, for it was during this time that Sariel ascended, blighting the land. Many men, elves, and dwarves died to the afflictions caused by her final act as a Warmancer. Much of the soldiers falling wasting away in front of comrades they fought with, agony and torment were their lot. Joss encountered the victorious armies reduced to men wasting away on their feet and falling away to plagues of madness, pestilence and disfigurement.   He returned to the training camp, afflicted with the memories of terrors he had witnessed. Aiding in the repairs of equipment but most definitely changed.   At some point Hemke turned northward and Sylwyth journeyed with him, becoming his erstwhile aide and then his apprentice in full. Settling in a town or city, Hemke taught Joss as much as he could, encouraging his curiosity and applauding his intuition. Eventually Hemke retired and wrote a letter of recommendation/introduction for Joss, exhorting the guildmasters of Merciwyne to employ him for his talents and sharp mind.   And so Joss arrives in Merciwyne, creating and experimenting with the magics his family had him taught and how he might incorporate these elements into arms and armor.


Apprenticed in blacksmithing under the crippled smith, Hemke. Studied arcane magic in his youth at his father's insistence. 


Journeyman blacksmith and tinkerer

Accomplishments & Achievements

Successful completion of the two-year course of study at The Dûnadaïn Conservatory 

Mental Trauma

Witnessing many deaths after Sariel's ascent to immortality. Men coughing up their own organs, driven to madness by disease and deformed by the terrible blight Sariel wrought. 

Morality & Philosophy

Realist, tries to work through or invent new ways to solve problems or view them from new perspectives

Personality Characteristics


To create new means of prosperity in the post-war lands

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Gadgetry, bad with pretty much any political situation, can be a bit gruff

Likes & Dislikes

Puzzles, dwarven songs. Does not like snobbish elves - most likely from the influence of Hemke.


Keeps self fairly clean, but unafraid of dirt and grime, often has coal stains on his clothing


Family Ties

Family in Eifrandel - Father, brother, sister, veteran uncle who served in The Void War 

Hobbies & Pets

Enjoys experimenting with newer alloys


Sometimes uses dwarven curses - Hemke was quite influential in his life
Current Status
Recently completed full course of study at The Dûnadaïn Conservatory
Current Location
Dark brown, shoulder length, ponytail
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair, white
Quotes & Catchphrases
None.  (yet)
Known Languages
Common, common elven, common dwarven, giant
Character Prototype
Looking to build towards armorer artificer with an emphasis on battlefield control


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