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The Dûnadaïn Conservatory

The mecca for learning and tutelage for the prospective adventurer, sits at the end of a long, cobblestone road in one of the corners of the city of Merciwyne. While it is not a requirement for one to attend the academy to undertake a life of adventure and heroism, those that do will receive invaluable preparation and training that give them a leg up over others.  

Graduating and receiving the highly sought after Dûnaic Seal is the goal of all students. The Dûnaic Seal identifies that its owner has successfully completed a rigorous training regimen at one of the most highly esteemed educational institutions in the country

Dunaic Seal

Purpose / Function

Students who attend the Conservatory will identify a field of study they wish to specialize in. They will undergo a two-year training program to develop, hone, and sharpen this skillset to our academic standards. They will receive both written and field-practical examinations at set intervals, at which time their progress will be evaluated. At the end of the first year, there will be a progress examination, a practicum of sorts. Failure to pass the year one practicum does not disqualify any student from continuing education in the program. Failure to meet the required standard by the end of year two will result in the recommendation of remedial training, wherein a student is given three months of further instruction. At the conclusion of this three month period, they are tested one final time. If this final test is again failed, they will not receive graduation credit and their Dûnaic Seal from the Academy. They must wait one calendar year exactly, and they may re-apply to the school to begin the program again.


The architecture is a modern stylized human/dwarven hybrid build. There are hints and bits of old dwarven carvings and scroll worked into and around support pillars, window accents, and buttresses. Long, flowing banners show the royal red and white colors of the academy, and hang proudly from the front and side of the building. Some stained glass work is present as well, indicating a more human-styled architecture, almost akin to some of the same stylized architecture you would see at a church. The entire academy is four floors, including a basement level that is usable with classrooms. 


Built in just about a year and a half, the Dûnadaïn Conservatory had more than 500 skilled builders, architects and craftsmen feverishly working to complete the project. Like many of the buildings and architecture in Merciwyne, the Conservatory was stylized with heavily dwarven influences, paying homage to the city's ancestral roots. The school's first headmaster, Lord Brüszik, originally opened the school only as a combat and militant-focused institution. Over the course of a decade, the first magical courses came to be offered, and currently, the school offers the full spectrum of adventurers skills as curriculum options.  


Part of the academia counsel tasked with admission and orientation of new students has a sub-department of six people who alternate giving tours of the school to tourists and out of town visitors. The tours are not free, each tour requires the entrant to pay 3gp. The tour lasts approximately 2 hours, and should the tour be conducted during the active schooling season, each tour will conclude with a live sparring contest between students in the combat-specialized areas of study. Prospective guild leaders looking at hiring new, young talent, and other influential individuals in need of a sellsword or bit of muscle, often find this last bit of the tour particularly valuable and entertaining.  
Founding Date
Alternative Names
The Adventurer's Academy of Merciwyne
College / Academy
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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