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The father of battle, lord of the twin axes, the giant killer, the goblin bane, the Wyrmslayer, the rock of battle

    The great dwarven warrior Thorgrük was the chief protector and general of the army commanded by King Grinmord. His primary conquests came against legions of Orc warlords and battlemasters, contestors of the mountain the dwarves inhabited. During peacetime, Thorgrük aided The Iron Hammer Mining Company by escorting them with a small protective detail of his own handpicked militiamen.    Thorgrük was most notable for his chiseled physique, and his effortless prowess wielding axes. Many even claimed that he himself was carved from a stone slab cut right out of The Carigon Mountains. Miraculously, and somewhat disappointingly in his own regard, Thorgrük lived a long life and died peacefully, not on the field of battle as he always hoped. He was a father to 24 children with 11 different women, never marrying a single one. The most notable of his offspring was the future King Berûn, known by many as "The King of Blunders".
Date of Birth
14 Vars
Date of Death
32 Junité
111 AD 368 AD 257 years old
Dorrn, outside Dorûnde
Place of Death
One blue, one brown. Legend states that the blue eye represented his merciful side, and the brown one his rage.
Black, and then gray later in life. Usually tied back in a single knot with the rest free flowing beneath.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Weathered, very pronounced wrinkles
5'2" - on the taller side for a dwarf


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