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Crescent City

Nestled on the Eldertide River Delta, Crescent City thrives as a bustling center of commerce along the Emerald Shores. Governed by a monarch-like City Governor and a parliamentary system, its diverse wards exhibit varying levels of autonomy, shaping a unique social and economic tapestry. Despite being overshadowed by Emerald Point on the global stage, Crescent City's commoners remain unfazed by its lack of prominence, while the Barons, though bothered by their subordinate status, maintain close ties with Emerald Point's elite, albeit with a tinge of resentment.
  Rich in natural resources and cultural heritage, Crescent City offers a myriad of attractions for both residents and visitors. Its vibrant Marketplace district, renowned breweries like Tenfold Brewery, and historical landmarks such as the Crescent Chapel beckon travelers to immerse themselves in its lively atmosphere and rich history. With its strategic location along the Emerald Shores and resilient infrastructure, Crescent City stands as a vital nexus for trade, tourism, and cultural exchange in the region.


Crescent City is a melting pot of various races and ethnicities. Humans and Half Elves each make up about 35% of the population, while a collection of gnomes, goblins, dwarves, halflings, and half-orcs make up the bulk of the remaining population. Tabaxi, tortles, tieflings, and elves are all commonly found in the city, though few of these races actually reside in the city permanently. The city is also divided into different wealth classes, with the ruling class of Barons residing in the exclusive district of Baronton.


The Crescent City government is structured similarly to a monarchy, with a City Governor at the top. Below the City Governor is the parliament, consisting of the Warden for each of the nine wards in the city.

City Governor

The City Governor is an appointed position, and has been held by a member of The Barons - the ruling class - for nearly 300 years. The appointment is made by a coalition that is assembled upon the death of the current Governor. This coalition is typically comprised of some of the Wardens, along with other power players in the city's politics. The selection process has become less clear over time, while simultaneously cementing the Barrons of the last 280+ years as the head of the city. While the City Governor is the official head of government in the city, each ward is essentially a self governed borough of the city, with each ward left to battle in Parliament for funding from the city's wealthy benefactors. This results in the living experience varying drastically from ward to ward.


Each ward chooses how to select the their Warden as part of their Ward Governance Decree. The following wards select their Warden by appointment via various coalitions or organizations:   Ward 2 - Tulipville
Ward 3 - the Marketplace
Ward 6 - Islip
Ward 7 - the Shipyard
Ward 8 - Fishtown   Irontown, the 5th ward, elects their Warden once every 6 years via an open democratic election. The 6 year term does come with a confdence vote after the Warden's second year, allowing for a vote of 'Confident', 'Abstain', or 'No Confidence'. A majority 'No Confidence' vote will result in a Second Vote of Confidence after the Warden's third year in office. If the Warden receive's a second majority 'No Confidence' vote, they will be forced to vacate the position, and the election coalition will complete the Warden's duties until a new Warden is elected. The Warden Rejected is forbidden from running for re-election for a nine year period (often resulting in 12 years if no Warden after them is rejected). Warden's are required to vacate the position after 12 consecutive years, but are allowed to run for election again after six years from their last time in the role.   Ward 1 and Ward 9 both allow every capable adult an opportunity to hold the warden position, typically for a 6 month term, on a rotating basis. This matches the common idea among rural farmers along the Emerald Coast that everyone is equal.   Ironically, the Barons in the 4th Ward also rotate their Warden on an equal rotation like Wards 1 and 9, although this practice is indicitive of the political focus within the Ward being on the Governor seat rather than the Warden position.


Crescent City benefits from the protection provided by the Merchant Navy of the Emerald Shores, a formidable naval force funded by the affluent port city of Emerald Point. As a member of the Emerald Shores Alliance, Crescent City relies on this alliance for its defense, ensuring the safety and security of its inhabitants and resources.   While the city itself may not boast traditional defensive structures like palisades or fortifications, its strategic alliance with Emerald Point and the Merchant Navy serves as a robust defense against external threats. The Merchant Navy patrols the waters surrounding Crescent City, safeguarding its shores from piracy and hostile incursions, thereby preserving the city's status as a thriving hub of trade and commerce along the Emerald Shores.

Industry & Trade

Crescent City thrives as a vital intermediary in the bustling trade network along the Emerald Shores. Acting as a pivotal hub for commerce, the city serves as a conduit for the flow of goods from distant lands to the local settlements and tens of thousands of people inhabiting the region. While Crescent City itself may not be the primary source of many goods, its strategic location and efficient infrastructure make it an indispensable center for trade.   The city's economy is predominantly driven by its role as a trading nexus, where merchants from far and wide converge to exchange goods and commodities. With its sprawling marketplace teeming with activity, Crescent City offers a plethora of wares to satisfy the diverse needs of its inhabitants and visiting traders alike. However, despite the bustling trade activity, the city's reliance on imports far outweighs its exports, with fish emerging as its primary export commodity. The fishing industry, active across several wards, serves as a cornerstone of Crescent City's economy, supplying abundant seafood to both local markets and distant shores.   Notably, Islip is home to the renowned Tenfold Brewery, which produces the famous Islip Ale, a best-selling ale along the Emerald Shores. Founded by Gil Tenfold, the brewery's success has contributed significantly to the city's economic prosperity, with Tenfold Farms serving as the exclusive source of barley and hops for brewing Islip Ale.


Infrastructure in Crescent City reflects a blend of historical legacy and contemporary innovation, catering to the diverse needs of its inhabitants. From ancient watermills that harness the power of the Green River Delta's currents to modern courtyards bustling with trade and commerce, the city's landscape is a testament to centuries of development. Sewers crisscross beneath the cobblestone streets, ensuring efficient waste management and sanitation for the growing population.   The city boasts a network of well-maintained roads and bridges that facilitate trade and transportation, connecting the various districts and wards. Shipyards along the riverbanks bustle with activity as skilled craftsmen construct sturdy vessels to navigate the Emerald Sea, sustaining Crescent City's maritime industry. Additionally, the presence of blast furnaces and foundries in strategic locations ensures a steady supply of metals for construction and manufacturing, driving economic growth and technological advancement. Crescent City's infrastructure not only supports the daily lives of its residents but also serves as a symbol of its resilience and prosperity.


The 9 Wards of Crescent City are suprisingly independent of each other in more ways than just governance and application of law. Nearly each ward has been relgated to a singular focus over time, leaving a diverse city very segregated in terms of class and access.

Wards 1 and 9 - West Wall and East Wall

The rural wards, comprising of the areas in and outside of the city 'wall'. The lands are used primarily for agriculture, with Inns and residential buildings in each. East Wall is the site of the city's origins as Crescent Fort. These ruins have been buried for nearly 500 years, but the soil is still not as fertile as that of West Wall, resulting in poorer harvests and less funds. The original Crescent Chapel still stands in East Wall along the delta's shores.

Ward 2 - Tulipville

The 'Middle/Upper-Middle Class' neighborhood of Tulipville is an exclusively residential ward. The Tulip Committe, comprised of the oldest and longest tenured residents of the ward, control the ward's politics, and count among their duties: appointing Wardens, assuring ward funding, enforcing cleanliness and living standards, and organizing community events. Most of the citizens of Tulipville work in high positions directly under members of the Barons.

Ward 3 - the Marketplace

The Marketplace lives up to its moniker as the heart of action in the city. During the daytime, the Marketplace can hold more people than the other 8 wards combined. The Marketplace hosts an open market on the northern side of the ward, while more of the established merchants are on the southern side of the ward. The Church of {PICK A GOD} is centered in the ward.

Ward 4 - Baronton

Walled off and accessible only via Irontown through gated entrance, Baronton is home to the ruling class of Crescent City. The grounds are remarkably well manicured, and the walks are paved with granite. Access to Baronton is limited to residents, guests, and helpers only.

Ward 5 - Irontown

Irontown is the primary residential ward on Crescent City. The rust colored roofs common in the ward inspired the ward's name, and were used to signify the uniquely democratic processes of the ward.

Ward 6 - Islip

Islip is the most diverse ward in Crescent city. North Islip is home to the crafting district, featuring the wealthiest family in Crescent City that isn't a member of the Barons. Gil Tenfold founded Tenfold Brewery, the home of Islip Ale, the best-selling ale along the Emerald Shores. Tenfold opened Tenfold Farms, the only interior farm in Crescent City, to grow his own barley and hops to help brew Islip Ale. South Islip host the Crescent Grain Mill along with Shacktown, home of many mill workers and fishermen.

Ward 7 - the Shipyard

The Shipyard is home to many of the merchant and large fishing boat owners. Due to the amount of goods and funds coming through the Shipyard, it is the ward under the most constant surveillance from the Barons. Despite this, it is believed that the Shipyard is the best place to find a fence.

Ward 8 - Fishtown

The poorest ward in Crescent City, Fishtown is a tiny island encampment of fishermen and deck hands. Some of the citizens fish from their own row boats in the Emerald Sea, though most simply work on others' ships, making a meager salary. The ward has a few large commercial fishing vessels docked on the island for easy access to the deckhands. Taxing these vessels is the main income source for the ward's funding.


Crescent City boasts a myriad of assets that contribute to its vibrancy and economic prosperity. From its bustling markets to its robust infrastructure, the city offers a wealth of resources and opportunities for its inhabitants.   One of the city's most valuable assets is its strategic location along the Emerald Shores, making it a crucial hub for trade and commerce in the region. The bustling Marketplace, situated at the heart of the city, serves as a focal point for economic activity, attracting merchants, traders, and visitors from far and wide. Here, a diverse array of goods and services are exchanged, ranging from exotic spices and textiles to fine craftsmanship and artisanal products.   In addition to its thriving markets, Crescent City boasts a well-developed infrastructure that supports its diverse industries and communities. From the shipyards of Ward 7 to the agricultural fields of Wards 1 and 9, the city's infrastructure includes docks, warehouses, mills, and transportation networks that facilitate the movement of goods and people throughout the city and beyond. These assets not only drive economic growth but also contribute to the city's resilience and adaptability in the face of various challenges and opportunities.

Guilds and Factions

Crescent City's varied political structures leave the city's wards susceptible to organizational control in various ways. The city has a united but weak fisherman's union, along with a farmers association that ensures the food market remains stable. The Merchants Guild in the 3rd Ward is the strongest faction in the city that is not purely political in nature. Crescent City's economic landscape is intricately woven with competing factions and guilds, each vying for control and influence over key industries. The city boasts a united but relatively weak fisherman's union and a farmers' association that ensures stability in the local food market.   At the core of Crescent City's economy lies the powerful Merchants Guild, headquartered in the 3rd Ward, dictating trade routes, pricing mechanisms, and market dynamics. However, political coalitions in wards like Baronton, Tulipville, and Irontown vie for control within the city's power structure, with The Partnership of Baronton emerging as a dominant force shaping economic policies.   While Crescent City thrives as a bustling hub of commerce, it grapples with the shadows cast by organized crime. The Marketplace and Islip serve as breeding grounds for illicit activities, with criminal syndicates vying for control over lucrative enterprises, posing challenges to law enforcement and civic order.


Crescent City's origins trace back to the year 249 of the Second Era when Artrea of the Galdens erected Fort Crescent on the southern banks of the Green Delta along the Emerald Shores. However, after the decline of the Galden civilization, Fort Crescent languished in abandonment for centuries, its once formidable walls weathering the passage of time.   In 137 of the Third Era, the enterprising Tevlin Arrowmark discovered the ruins of Fort Crescent. Understanding the strategic significance of its location along an expanding trade route, Arrowmark endeavored to breathe new life into the neglected settlement. Originally christened as Splitriver City by Arrowmark, the settlement gradually evolved into Crescent City, a name it formally adopted in 448. Since its inception, Crescent City has thrived as a bustling maritime hub, facilitating trade along the Emerald Shores Trading Route and serving as a vital nexus for commerce and cultural exchange in the region.

Points of interest

Crescent Chapel

This chapel, located in East Wall, is built on the site of the original Crescent Fort established by Artrea of the Galdens in 249 2E. Built upon the ruins of Fort Crescent, which dates back to 143 3E. Despite its age, the chapel's graceful arches and weathered stone walls still stand proudly along the delta's shores, offering a poignant connection to Crescent City's storied past.
Crescent Chapel

Tenfold Brewery

Renowned for producing Islip Ale, the best-selling ale along the Emerald Shores, Tenfold Brewery stands as a symbol of craftsmanship and tradition in Islip. Visitors can tour the brewery and sample its famous brew, immersing themselves in the rich brewing heritage of Crescent City.


Crescent City's tourism centers around its lively Marketplace, where visitors can dive into the city's bustling trade scene. The marketplace offers a variety of stalls and merchants, inviting tourists to explore, haggle, and discover unique treasures. A highlight for many tourists is the renowned Tenfold Brewery, where they can sample Crescent City's famous Islip Ale and learn about the city's brewing traditions.   Accommodations in Crescent City cater to travelers' needs, offering options from modest inns to luxurious guesthouses. While lacking conventional tourist attractions, the city's welcoming atmosphere and vibrant streets provide a unique and memorable urban experience. Visitors spend their days exploring the Marketplace, enjoying local cuisine, and savoring Islip Ale at Tenfold Brewery, soaking in Crescent City's lively energy.


Crescent City's architecture reflects its rich history and diverse cultural influences. The cityscape boasts a blend of styles, from the rustic charm of West Wall's rural buildings to the opulent grandeur of Baronton's aristocratic mansions. Throughout the wards, you'll find a mix of architectural elements, including intricate stonework, colorful facades, and elegant spires. built upon the ruins of Fort Crescent, which dates back to 143 3E. Despite its age, the chapel's graceful arches and weathered stone walls still stand proudly along the delta's shores, offering a poignant connection to Crescent City's storied past.   In the affluent district of Tulipville, elegant townhouses line the streets, adorned with ornate carvings and lush gardens. The craftsmanship of these homes reflects the wealth and status of their inhabitants, who occupy prominent positions in Crescent City's social hierarchy. In contrast, the bustling Marketplace district features bustling streets lined with eclectic buildings, showcasing a mishmash of architectural styles from various cultures and periods.   One architectural gem not to miss is the Crescent Chapel, built upon the ruins of Fort Crescent, which dates back to 143 3E. Despite its age, the chapel's graceful arches and weathered stone walls still stand proudly along the delta's shores, offering a poignant connection to Crescent City's storied past.


The city is built on the series of fertile islands within the Green Delta along the Emerald Shores. The soil is quite fertile, expect over the buried remains of Crescent Fort. To the north-northeast of the city is the beginning of the Greenwood. South and west of Crescent City lies the Emerald Sea and Emerald Isles.


Crescent City enjoys a pleasant climate, nestled on the northern edge of the transition between the tropical and subtropical zones of the world. Overall, the city experiences relatively warm weather, with mild winters that rarely see temperatures drop drastically. However, despite the mild temperatures, winter brings heavy winds and rainfall, particularly as weather systems sweep in from the sea to the city's west.   Summers in Crescent City are typically warm and balmy, with gentle breezes coming in from the sea to offer some relief from the heat. The city benefits from the moderating influence of the nearby Emerald Isles archipelago, which helps shield it from extreme weather conditions. However, occasional storms and tropical disturbances can still occur during the summer months, bringing bouts of heavy rain and gusty winds.

Natural Resources

Crescent City is rich in natural resources that have shaped its economy and development over the centuries. The fertile soil upon which the city is built was once its primary export, supporting extensive agriculture that sustained the early settlers. However, rapid urbanization and expansion have led to much of this fertile land being covered by the city itself, limiting its agricultural output. Nevertheless, the surrounding lands still yield crops, providing a steady source of food for the city's inhabitants. Apart from agriculture, Crescent City benefits greatly from its proximity to the sea. The Emerald Sea and nearby Emerald Isles offer abundant marine resources, particularly fish, which form a significant part of the city's economy.   Fishing is a major industry in Crescent City, with numerous fleets of fishing vessels venturing out into the sea to harvest its bounty. Additionally, the sea provides access to trade routes, enabling the city to engage in commerce with other settlements and regions along the coast. Finally, the surrounding forests provide timber and other wood products, supporting construction and manufacturing industries within the city.


  • Crescent City, 851 3E
    Map of Crescent city in the year 851 3E.
Founding Date
173 3E


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