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Death Amanita

The Death Amanita is a cousin of the Fly Amanita, found most commonly on the damp floor of the Darkwood. Known for feeding upon decaying plant matter, the Death Amanita can be found across Dendralis.

Basic Information


Similar to its cousin, the Death Amanita is a toadstool-shaped mushroom, featuring a rounded cap on top of a white stem, with white dots over the cap's surface. Unlike its cousin, the Death Amanita's cap is ranges in color from black to dark grey, while tending to droop significantly more along the edges of the cap.

Ecology and Habitats

Death Amanita are found in the dampest parts of the forests on Dendralis. Most commonly found in the Darkwood, the Death Amanita is typically found on and around fallen timber and other decaying matter, such as fallen leaves. Due to its dark color and penchant to live in areas outside of the sun's rays, the Death Amanita is considered to be hiding in plain sight within the woods.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Death Amanita feeds solely on decaying plant matter on the floor of forests. Favoring decaying leaves and tree bark, the fungus thrives in damp environments in which moisture remains for long periods of time instead of evaporating. The Death Amanita will quickly die out once the dead matter it thrives upon dries out, leaving its lifespan to be very susceptible to dry conditions.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The Death Amanita is used occasional for gastrointestinal medicines. While the surface of the cap can initiate a light yet constant itch on skin contact, the gills, when ground up and mixed with the other correct ingredients, can provide a strong numbing sensation when drunk, offering relief for upset stomachs. The effect can last excessively long, however, leading most practitioners of the healing arts to avoid using Death Amanita. As such, the Assembly of Healers has listed the species as being of low conservation concern.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Death Amanita is found in greatest numbers within the damp and dank Darkwood, but can be found to some degree within every forest across Dendralis. Within the lusher forests, the Death Amanita will typically only show up during the early cold months when the most fresh leaf matter piles up on the forest floor, resulting in a wide lifespan for the fungi depending on location.

Scientific Name
Morthamatyo Mycëllornë
Conservation Status
Low Concern: Moderately available species across Dendralis, of low usage - Assembly of Healers
Geographic Distribution
Morthalë means "death" and Matyo means "eater"; "Mycëllornë" refers to "mushroom"

Summer Camp 2024 Submission
Animal or Plant that Feeds on Decay
All images other than the Summer Camp 2024 logo were created by the author with Bing Copilot | Designer
"Death Amanita" Generated with AI ∙ July 30, 2024 at 8:40 PM


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Aug 3, 2024 22:41 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love that you've come up with your own scientific name and included the etymology, that's fun. It's like a goth amanita. :D   I like the mixture of its effects, too. I probably would not use it for healing purposes.   I'm going to shout this article out in my reading challenge for August. Great mushroom! :)

Aug 4, 2024 01:54 by Jeffrey Lebowski

Hey, thanks so much! The death amanita was actually inspired by Baker Creek Rare Seeds' goth garden collection, so very glad to hear that stuck out. It's certainly not the ideal ingredient, but sometimes you find yourself in a pinch.   I look forward to seeing your reading challenge, and will definitely be stopping by Etrea as I get my reading challenge going! Thanks again for stopping by!

Aug 4, 2024 13:41 by E. Christopher Clark

Found this via Serukis and wanted to compliment you on the scientific naming and etymology just as Dr. Emy did. That's a really neat bit to add to an article that's already great.

Track my progress on Summer Camp 2024!
Aug 4, 2024 18:05 by Jeffrey Lebowski

Thanks for the note, I'm glad you enjoyed it! Its a fun little bit to add some depth to Dendralis