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Moonlit Truffle

Moonlit Truffles, nestled deep within the forest floor, are renowned for their ethereal glow reminiscent of moonlight, making them a prized delicacy among foragers and connoisseurs. Beyond their captivating appearance, these truffles possess mystical properties that enhance one's connection to the lunar cycle and amplify magical abilities when consumed. While most abundant in the The Greenwood, Moonlit Truffles can be found scattered throughout Dendralis, albeit in lesser quantities. Their elusive nature and potent effects make them highly sought after by practitioners of magic and seekers of enlightenment, adding to their allure and mystique.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Moonlit truffles have a slow growth rate, taking several years to reach maturity. They begin as tiny spores released by mature truffles and settle into the forest floor, where they develop into mycelium networks. Over time, these networks form the basis for the growth of the truffles, which eventually mature into fully developed mushrooms. The process of maturation is influenced by various factors such as soil composition, moisture levels, and the presence of suitable host trees.

Ecology and Habitats

Moonlit truffles, prized for their mystical properties and unique flavor, are typically found deep within the forest floor of the Greenwood, nestled among the roots of ancient trees or hidden beneath layers of decomposing foliage. Thriving in the mild, damp environment of the forest, these truffles emit a faint glow reminiscent of moonlight, attracting foragers seeking their prized qualities. While most abundant in the Greenwood due to its dense canopy and moist soil, moonlit truffles can also be sporadically found throughout the remainder of Dendralis, albeit in smaller quantities. Despite their scarcity, these truffles hold great value among herbalists, alchemists, and practitioners of magic, who seek them for their potent effects and association with lunar energy.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Moonlit truffles are highly sought after for their unique flavor and mystical properties. In addition to their culinary uses, they are prized for their ability to enhance one's connection to the lunar cycle and amplify magical abilities when consumed. Herbalists and enchanters often use moonlit truffles in potions and rituals aimed at harnessing the power of the moon. However, due to their rarity and delicate ecosystem, foragers must tread carefully when harvesting moonlit truffles to ensure their sustainable cultivation and preservation for future generations.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Moonlit Truffle is typically found deep within the forest floor, thriving in the rich, loamy soil of the Greenwood and other forested regions of Dendralis. It prefers areas with ample moisture and shade, often growing near the roots of old, towering trees. These truffles emit a faint, ethereal glow reminiscent of moonlight, attracting foragers and enchanters alike to seek out their mystical properties. While they are most abundant in the Greenwood, moonlit truffles can also be sporadically found scattered throughout other parts of Dendralis, albeit in smaller quantities.
Scientific Name
Selunilum Tuberis
Conservation Status
High Concern: Ample but delicate species under close conservation measures - Assembly of Healers
Geographic Distribution
Naming Convention: "Selunilum" derives from "selu," meaning moon, and "nilum," indicating light, while "tuberis" refers to its tuberous nature as a truffle


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