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Talamus Wynned (TA-luh-muhs WIND)

Talamus Wynned

Talamus Wynned is a famed historian and scribe of The Greenwood. He is best known for his work, Histories of Dendralis, the first known highly detailed written record of history across the Dendralin continent. Wynned made this written record his life's work, updating the tome over four editions during his lifetime, with the fifth and final edition coming in 2352, 1E, nearly ten years after his death.

Physical Description

Specialized Equipment

Wynned is known for traveling with a custom-built writing desk which featured a leather covered writing pad, and most importantly, the ability to display up to three sources materials at a time. It was with this desk that Wynned was able to cross reference a massive number of resources in creating his Histories. Many woodworkers within the Greenwood in the modern day make their own version of the Wynned Desk.

Mental characteristics


Wynned's education got off on a fairly stereotypical start. He attended youth studies in his local community where he was viewed as highly intelligent and a quick learner by his teachers and peers. Initially showing a strong interest in foraging, Wynned turned the vast majority of his attention on history after being retaken by the myths he was told about the old Aéldelinian culture. Encouraged by his youth studies leader, Wynned began studying written language - both early Greenwood as well a Yána Runes - under the Elders of his nomadic community. He showed his early aptitude for both writing and reading both written languages, allowing him to progress at a highly advanced rate in his studies. During these studies is when Talamus began doing his own research, starting the very building blocks of his life's work.


For much of his life, Talamus' work as a scribe and historian was most typically done in a sort of self-employed state, in which he was sponsored by various patrons, who housed and fed him while doing his work. These sponsors were typically Circles of Elders or other various guilds and associations who were interested in having Wynned research and record a history of the community or group. In return, the group would put Wynned up for an agreed upon length of time (typically 6 or 12 months), and the scribe would work on his own historical research of the Greenwood while producing these commissioned records.
  Later in life, once Wynned had established himself as the preeminent historian of the Greenwood, the Elders held convention, and established safe passage and care throughout the entirety of the forest for Wynned. With his work being viewed as wholly invaluable to the greater knowledge of the Greenwood Culture, the Elders sought to ensure Wynned could continue his research without impediment.

Intellectual Characteristics

Wynned's memory was view as second to none by all who met him. His ability to recall seemingly minute details with only the slightest provocation made Talamus uniquely prepared for making sense of all the various pieces of information he had to gather and sort before recording the original histories of Dendralis.
  Wynned's memory was not his only natural inclination towards his life's work. The historian also took to the early written language far quicker than any of his peers. Having a 'picture perfect memory', he had a mastery over the practice which ultimately cut the amount of time he spent recording his histories by over 80% compared to other scribes, allowing him more time to devote to research.

Personality Characteristics

Representation & Legacy

Over three millenniums after his death, Talamus Wynned's final edition of Histories of Dendralies is still viewed as the most complete historical account of the ancient Elderwood and surrounding lands of Dendralis. This, in addition to countless other attributions, leaves Wynned peerless in his status as the greatest historian of Dendralis ever.
"The echoes of the Elderwood reverberate beyond the bounds of Dendralis, but it's heart and soul live on within the Greenwood."
-Talamus Wynned,
Histories of Dendralis
Date of Birth
3 Frostreach 2578, 1E
Date of Death
27 Frostglimmer 2361, 1E
Place of Death
Pale Blue
Long, Dirty Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
147 lbs
Known Languages
Elvish, Yána Elvish
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"Talamus Wynned" Generated with AI ∙ July 30, 2024 at 2:49 PM


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