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Welton Blossom

The Welton Blossom, with its brief yet enchanting bloom cycle, symbolizes the delicate balance of nature within the Greenwood. Found solely in the Welton Grove of the eastern Greenwood, these blossoms attract vital pollinators and offer valuable medicinal properties, making their conservation a matter of utmost importance to the Assembly of Healers.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

The Welton Blossom, known for its ephemeral beauty, follows a precise growth cycle tied to the shifting seasons. Blooming from Meadowglow to Midsomarglow, each blossom lasts merely three days, emitting its healing fragrance. Harvesting must be timed carefully to ensure maximum potency, with over-harvesting forbidden to safeguard future propagation. Harvesters wait until after the bloom to collect seeds, preserving the Welton Blossom's role in Weltondale's ecosystem.

Ecology and Habitats

These delicate flowers are exclusively found in the Welton Grove, nestled within the eastern reaches of The Greenwood. Within the Welton Grove, Welton Blossoms interact symbiotically with various species, serving as vital pollinators and attracting a diverse array of insects and birds. Pollinators are drawn to the sweet fragrance emitted by the blossoms, facilitating the process of cross-pollination and ensuring the reproduction of other plant species within the grove. In return, Welton Blossoms rely on these pollinators for their own propagation, highlighting the interconnectedness of life within the Greenwood.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The Welton Blossom serves as a vital resource within the ecosystem of the Greenwood. Renowned for its sweet fragrance, these delicate flowers attract pollinating species, playing a crucial role in the cycle of plant reproduction within the Welton Grove.   Medicinally, Welton Blossoms offer two distinct uses. The petals of these blossoms are commonly used to soothe various ailments of the skin, including rashes and minor irritations. Additionally, the pistil of the Welton Blossom contains a potent healing essence, coveted for its remarkable ability to accelerate the body's natural healing processes. However, due to the limited availability of these blossoms and the need for sustainable harvesting practices, their medicinal applications are carefully regulated within the Greenwood community.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Welton Blossoms are exclusive to the Welton Grove located in the eastern reaches of the Greenwood. Their limited distribution underscores the importance of preserving the Welton Grove, ensuring the continued availability of these precious blossoms for medicinal and cultural purposes.
Scientific Name
Lómelindë Erynna
3 days
Conservation Status
High Concern: Major Focus of Conservation Efforts - Assembly of Healers
Geographic Distribution
Naming Convention:
"Lómelindë" means "sweet blossom" and "Erynna" signifies "of the forest." This name captures the essence of the Welton Blossom's sweet fragrance and its association with the forest environment.


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