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Whisper Moss

Whisper Moss, a soft, moss-like fungus, thrives in patches along the base of trees, absorbing sound waves and creating an eerie whispering effect when disturbed. Known for its calming properties, whisper moss is often brewed into a tea, inducing a sense of tranquility and facilitating meditation and relaxation.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Whisper Moss is commonly found in dense, shaded forests, particularly thriving in areas with high humidity and minimal sunlight. It typically grows in patches along the base of trees, where it absorbs sound waves and contributes to the overall ambiance of the forest. The moss's ability to dampen sound creates a unique auditory experience, with disturbances causing an eerie, whispering effect as the moss reacts to movement or touch.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Whisper Moss holds significant value for its medicinal and therapeutic properties. When brewed into a tea, it produces a calming and tranquilizing effect, making it highly sought after for its ability to induce relaxation and alleviate stress. Herbalists and healers often use whisper moss in their remedies to promote mental well-being and aid in meditation practices. However, due to its delicate nature and limited availability outside of the Greenwood, whisper moss is not widely exploited for commercial purposes. Instead, it is harvested with care by those familiar with its properties, ensuring its sustainability and preservation within the forest ecosystem.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Whisper Moss is primarily distributed throughout The Greenwood, where it thrives in the damp, shaded environments of the forest floor. It can be found in abundance within the dense woodlands of the Greenwood, growing in patches along the base of trees and in shaded alcoves. While the moss is most prevalent in the Greenwood, it can also be found sporadically in other forested regions of Dendralis, although it tends to be less common outside of its preferred habitat.
Scientific Name
Talmaril Sindárë
Conservation Status
Low Concern: Very resilient species that can be harvested multiple time in a single year - Assembly of Healers
Geographic Distribution
Naming Convention: "Talmaril" translates to "whisper" and "Sindárë" means "moss" in Elvish


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