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Whispering Willow

The Whispering Willow, known for its tranquil beauty and rustling leaves, thrives in temperate forests where moisture levels are high. Its roots anchor securely in the soil, providing habitat for various species and contributing to riparian ecosystems. Revered for its cultural significance, its flexible branches are occasionally harvested for artisan crafts, while its bark is believed to possess enchantments promoting mental clarity. Found primarily in the eastern Greenwood and Whispering Willow Dale, it adds to the serene ambiance of riparian habitats across Terramora.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

The Whispering Willow thrives in temperate forests, often found where moisture levels are high. Its roots delve deep into the soil, anchoring the tree securely and allowing it to withstand floods and erosion. The dense foliage of the Whispering Willow provides shade and habitat for various species of birds and insects, contributing to the overall biodiversity of riparian ecosystems. Additionally, the tree's drooping branches and rustling leaves create a soothing, whispering sound in the breeze, adding to the tranquil ambiance of its habitat.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The Whispering Willow holds cultural significance throughout the Greenwood, revered for its tranquil beauty and the soothing sound of its rustling leaves. While it is primarily valued for its aesthetic and ecological contributions, the flexible branches of the Whispering Willow are occasionally harvested for use in basketweaving and other artisan crafts. Due to its relatively soft and flexible nature, it has avoided being exploited as a timber source. Additionally, the bark of the Whispering Willow is believed to possess enchantments that enhance mental clarity and promote meditation, leading to its occasional use in rituals and spiritual practices.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Whispering Willows are primarily found in eastern region of the Greenwood, though they can be found scattered about in other forested areas across Terramora, as well as scattered throughout the Whispering WIllow Dale. They are most commonly encountered along the banks of rivers and streams, where they thrive in the moist soil and moderate sunlight provided by the riparian environment. While their distribution may vary slightly depending on local environmental conditions, Whispering Willows are a familiar sight in riparian habitats throughout the continent.
Scientific Name
Faelirë Falasiel
120 years
Average Height
50-75 feet
Geographic Distribution
Naming Convention "Faelirë" refers to "whispering" and "Falasiel" means "willow" in Elvish.


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