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Aalisha, Mistress of Songs and Sorrow

Aalisha, Mistress of Songs and Shadow, is one of the more well-known Demon Princesses. She uusally appears in almost human form, taking the semblance of a beautiful girl, naked or garbed in little, apart from her long, silvery hair which matches the liquid color of her eyes. Aalisha is the patroness of singers and musicians. Nobody has ever heard her speak, but she sings wordless songs so beautiful as to break the hearts of mortals. This is both a metaphor and reality: the throat of the Mistress of Songs and Sorrow can produce a sound, the Eighth Note, so perfect as to melt bones and rend flesh. Aalisha isn't cruel, per se, but she is often hungry and after killing or driving victims mad with her voice, she will often eat them alive, a fate that has befallen many an ambitious sorcerer.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Aalisha appears a young woman with long silver hair and a pair of horns atop her head. She looks very human, though like all demon princes, she has the power to alter her form in different ways. She often goes about unclad, letting her beauty be seen by all, and few can resist her charm particularly when she sings. She has incredibly sharp teeth and talons instead of nails. Her ears appear to be that of an animal of some sort, long and covered with a fur.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

There are many stories about Aalisha in the oral traditions of the people of Terraneus. The records within the Library of Tagos have the most complete versions of the famous myth that has been told (with different variations) by most of the cultures around the Shimmering Sea. Once, long ago, Aalisha, Mitress of Songs and Sorrow, fell in love with a man, Aaleso, who betrayed her with a mortal woman.   When Aalisha discovered this, she sang a song which made Aaleso kill his lover with his own hands. Most of the myths claim Aaleso remains alive to this day: he wanders the Shimmering Sea as a traveling musician, cursed to live countless existences, never forgetting the face of his lover and hearing Aalisha's song every night.


Hobbies & Pets

Oovanai, a bird-like demon, something akin to a dog-sized peacock, are fabled to be the chosen pets of Aalisha, Mistress of Song and Sorrows, and often they accompany her when she is summoned in Terraneus. The Oovanai aren't very smart, but they are extremely ferocious, and when in large flocks, their floating plumage has a hypnotic effect on humans.


Aalisha does not talk, but she sings wordless songs that can inflame the hearts of men or cast them into madness. Her songs can also rend flesh from bone and make a man bleed.
Divine Classification
Demon Prince
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Mistress of Songs and Sorrows, Lady of Vengeance, Singer of the Eighth Note, Man-Eater, The Silent Daughter and Silver Mother
Date of Birth
Circumstances of Birth
Long silvery hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization