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The Demon Princes

The Demon Princes are, as their name implies, powerful demons, who have reforged their souls, gathering all their Soul Shards back to them. It is well-known that all demons are inherently slaves to Sorcery. It was learning how to use the power of the Wyrdwinds and the Mistlands that allowed the people of Terraneus to bind the Demons into pacts to wage war against the Demon-Gods, They Who Dream Between Stars. This is because as a whole, demon souls are inherently splintered. They are easily bound and compelled through sorcery, for it is as if the Wyrdwinds themselves are the Soul Master of the demon race.   Demon Princes have, one way or another, reforged their Soul into a complete being. This does not mean that they cannot be summoned or bound like the lesser demons, but that it requires far more will, preparation, and power to actually do so. They can still be compelled by the power of their True Name and appeased through offerings like many of the others. Demon Princes are among the oldest of demons, with many of their number being spoken of in the works of Tagos and the oral histories of many of the peoples around the Shimmering Sea.

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