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(a.k.a. The Breath of Inspiration)

Arete is the Breath of Inspiration, the Patron of Creation. He is portrayed as an ephemeral and inconstant man who is fluid like water. People curse him and bless him for granting them their inspiration, only to take it away and leave them listless and without any creative thoughts. He is portrayed in robes of silk and often long hair, carrying a hammer and chisel.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

His symbol and iconography tend to be a hammer in the center of a flame.

Tenets of Faith

The Seven Aspects of Arete

Arete embodies excellence and the strive to improve oneself. This incorporates the idea of ambition as well, where you should always be trying to be 'better', even if that's within regards to your standing.
Arete is the Patron of craftsmen and considered the Breath of Inspiration. To create art (or, the Brothers would insist, anything) is a veneration of Arete.
Hard Work
Creation is not easy. One must put in effort. The Patrons do not simply reward one because he desires it, he must work to see his dreams manifest.
Whereas Loreto is unyielding and immovable, Arete never stops moving. He is like the river, always running towards the Sea, and if he is stopped by a rock, he will find a way around. This is to say that to continue to try even after failure is considered a veneration of Arete.
Similar to Persistence, Arete does not bash his head into a wall to go through it; he finds a way to flow around it. A person who wishes to embody this aspect must not be stubborn or stiff, but must be flexible in thought.
Gamblers love Arete, but also curse him. For he is the god of fortune, but he can change his favored at a whim.
The other part of Grace. While Grace is to be charming, wit is to be clever and quick. Those who can use words as sharp as rapiers honor Arete.


There are three holidays for Arete throughout the ear, each being a single day. Each is a day of rest from hard labor. These are the Days of Contest. Traditionally, these are spent in with games like chariot races or pit fights where people can bet on the victor. Often, Merchant Families will sponsor teams to compete in whatever contests are being hosted that day.
Divine Classification
Divine Personification
Aligned Organization
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