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Brotherhood of the Seven Facets

Divine Origins

The Brotherhood of the Seven Facets is an order of ascetics who live in monasteries throughout the Gold Coast. They are a relatively recent order, coming about within the last seventy years. They follow the teachings of Prince Jais II of Ruby, who abdicated his position and donated nearly all of his personal wealth (that which was not tied up in his family) to Ruby, following an attack on Ruby from The Wyrdcaller, the flagship of the notorious sorcerer-pirate, Alabaster. The Wyrdcaller had, true to its name, summoned the Wyrwinds to blow incessantly over the walls of Ruby, trying to draw the Mistwalkers. Though the city of Ruby was able to fight off the Mistwalkers and capture Alabaster, it had been severely damaged in the battle. Prince Jais had made the decision to abdicate and all the wealth he donated was spent to rebuild the defenses of Ruby. Jais spent the remaining years of his life writing books on his understanding of the Divine Patrons. In these, he encouraged others to follow his example and separate themselves from the worldly goods, as he considered that to be the next step forward on the path to achieving their level of excellence, wisdom and strength. Not many followed Jais, but enough did and now the Brotherhood can be found in every major city.

Tenets of Faith

The Brotherhood of the Seven Facets has stated that there are seven aspects to each one of the patron, for a total of twenty one. This is a recent development in the worship of the Three Divine Patrons, though the number seven obviously is important to the Jeweled Cities. Skeptics have scoffed that if another is founded, everyone will start talking about the eight aspects and the Brotherhood will change its name, but for now, the reason for seven is clear, and it suits the tastes of the Seven Jeweled Cities well enough that their gods are a reflection of them.

The Seven Aspects of Lady Venta

Lady Venta embodies the concept of Beauty for the Jeweled Cities, so to make one's self beautiful is to venerate the Lady Venta. This refers to the social expectation that one is expected, almost demanded, to take pride in their appearance. Outfits must be carefully considered, hair must be done and makeup must be applied with a light but skilled hand. To do otherwise is to disrespect Lady Venta.
One should carry themselves with Grace. A person should be charming and should strive to move with purpose but also fluidity, like the wind across the sea rather than a lumbering ox. If Beauty is to take care of how one looks, Grace is to take care of how one moves and acts.
Lady Venta is wise and you should be as well. Ignorance is a fault in oneself and no one else. After all, is it not wise to study the charts and wind patterns common on a trade route before setting sail? Lady Venta does not smile on fools, so you should make yourself not foolish. Thus, often is the ultimate goal in the courts of the Jeweled Cities is to make one's rival appear the fool. For does that not then make you look all the wiser?
Lady Venta is the Lady of Winds and so carries the trade ships to and from the Gold Coast, and with that comes wealth. To prosper is to venerate Lady Venta. She does not provide wealth, she is wealth, and so to become wealthy is to become closer to the Patron.
This one emerged due to her prominence as the most venerated of the patrons, but Lady Venta is considered to be the patron that brings structure and order to the way of life in the Jeweled Cities. Thus, one should follow the laws of the city for it is a gift from Venta.
The Lady of Winds is of course associated with the Wyrdwinds. This aspect of Lady Venta represents not literal sorcery but her mastery over the Wyrdwinds. Scholars and Lotusmasters alike claim that by studying what is deemed magic, they are emulating Lady Venta.
The Lady of Winds
The ultimate aspect of Lady Venta, this represents her embodiment as the Patron of trade, the sea, and the natural winds. To sail across the Shimmering Sea is to honor Lady Venta and she rewards those she favors with her blessed winds.

The Seven Aspects of Loreto

Loreto is the warrior, the guardian, who protects traders and travelers on the road from the ever present dangers. For those who remain in the cities or the villages, he embodies the role of a defender from outside threats like the Mistwalkers or enemy armies. To protect others is to embody this aspect. The Brotherhood of the Seven Facets have many who leave their monasteries to follow this aspect of Loreto. For many mercenaries, they claim this aspect as well...for it says nothing of not charging for the service.
Loreto, as a protector, is naturally one predisposed to showing kindness to the unfortunate. In this aspect, one is to care for the downtrodden with charity.
Though some may say stubborn, Loreto is often compared to the Wyrdtower or the earth of Terraneus. He is unyielding in the tasks he sets himself upon, and thus a person should not be afraid to hold their ground, rather than be carried on the winds of others.
From unyielding, the Brothers sought to soften Loreto a bit. This is one of his more recent attributes. While Lady Venta is civilization, Loreto is the justice that is meted out to those who would commit injustices.
Loreto is like the mountain. He does not move. Thus he also must have patience to wait. The people of the Jeweled Cities know that sometimes it takes time for plans to come to fruitions, or gambles to pay off.
This might seem an odd aspect for the very proud people of the Jeweled Cities and it is one that has had trouble catching on. The Brothers teach it not that you must be humble or humiliate yourself, but that you should know your own limits and accept them. For if you do not know your own shortcomings, you cannot plan to compensate for them.
Loreto is the stalwart defender of Lady Venta, thus he must be loyal to the Lady of Winds. Thus, one should be loyal. This of course refers to the meaning of loyal that is very accepted on the Gold Coast. That is to say, loyal...for a price.

The Seven Aspects of Arete

Arete embodies excellence and the strive to improve oneself. This incorporates the idea of ambition as well, where you should always be trying to be 'better', even if that's within regards to your standing.
Arete is the Patron of craftsmen and considered the Breath of Inspiration. To create art (or, the Brothers would insist, anything) is a veneration of Arete.
Hard Work
Creation is not easy. One must put in effort. The Patrons do not simply reward one because he desires it, he must work to see his dreams manifest.
Whereas Loreto is unyielding and immovable, Arete never stops moving. He is like the river, always running towards the Sea, and if he is stopped by a rock, he will find a way around. This is to say that to continue to try even after failure is considered a veneration of Arete.
Similar to Persistence, Arete does not bash his head into a wall to go through it; he finds a way to flow around it. A person who wishes to embody this aspect must not be stubborn or stiff, but must be flexible in thought.
Gamblers love Arete, but also curse him. For he is the god of fortune, but he can change his favored at a whim.
The other part of Grace. While Grace is to be charming, wit is to be clever and quick. Those who can use words as sharp as rapiers honor Arete.


The Brothers of the Seven Facets are an ascetic order, that does not mean that they can completely live like many similar orders among other faiths. The first tenet of Lady Venta's aspects is, of course, beauty. How can one honor Lady Venta without attempting to embody beauty in appearance. To this end, the Brothers of the Seven Facets still dress in fine clothes, but they must also embody Arete's aspects of creation and hard work. They make their own clothes. For jewelry, the Brothers allow a pass, because of the immense skill and dexterity required.  
The Brothers do wear robes, made with red cloth embroidered with gold. They have a specific pattern that they must use to distinguish themselves as a member of the Brotherhood of the Seven Facets. What they wear underneath is less important, but many wear white shirts to avoid drawing attention away from the red and gold.

Granted Divine Powers

Though it is not the Divine Patrons themselves that grant the Brothers of the Seven Facets any powers, it is said that through meditation and reflection on the tenets, a Brother is able to internalize them and understand how he can embody the aspects of the divine. Those that do achieve this are said to obtain great powers, though the study of the Tenets of the Three Divine Patrons is so recent that few have achieved this state.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The Brotherhood is still young and so it has not yet been able to exert much influence on the Jeweled Cities. However, they are popular among the poor folk, enough that the Merchant Families at least feel willing enough to grant them some token, often bringing a member of the Brotherhood to any public celebration or festival to speak to the crowd.
Religious, Monastic Order