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Bonecollector is one of the Empress's Chosen. Like all the Chosen, they are referred to in the masculine, though it is known that there are women among their ranks, though few know which. It matters little. Bonecollector is thought to have been a Roselander in life, but that is entirely based on allusions made in his writing, for he often will publish some of his writings for the Empire to read, when the Empress permits it. Most of these are books of poetry, though only a handful are copied and bound. Many of these books are purchased by Imperial Sorcerers, attempting to glean new spells from Bonecollector's words.   The Chosen is an odd one, even by the standards of his fellow monsters. Short and hunchbacked, when he walks, he staggers. Bonecollector lacks the aura of fear and power that the other Chosen possess, but in some ways that only makes him more dangerous, for it is easy to forget that he is perhaps the most knowledgeable of Sorcery and manipulating the Wyrdwinds amongst all the Chosen. He is the only known Chosen to have willingly embraced this fate, having previously been the Hierophant of the Blackened Word, before approaching the Empress of his own volition to become Chosen Forged in Iron. This does not mean the Empress trusts him anymore than she does any of the other Chosen, bound as they are to her. For even Bonecollector had his own reasons, known to the Empress, for embracing this fate.   She will often send him out when the threat is far more sorcerous in nature, such as to combat a Wyrdhold or to protect her Legions from a creature like the Shadowlord.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Bonecollector walks with a hunched back and a bit of a limp, relying on his staff for support. He is short and gaunt, based on the way his robes hang off his body. He does not cut a particularly opposing figure, but his name is enough to command fear.

Special abilities

He is one of the Chosen Forged in Iron. He is one of the greatest sorcerers 'living' in the Age of Iron.

Apparel & Accessories

Bonecollector walks in grey and black robes, embroidered with various designs and runes in white thread. He wears a crown that casts a shadow over his face, though it is clear his skin is pale and worn. He often carries with him a book that he uses to write his verse and a staff that serves as both a focus for his magics and a stick to help him walk. He prefers to use the magic carpets or travel in cart than to walk.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Hierophant of the Blackened Word was a sorcerer who traveled across the Shimmering Sea during the Age of Storms, who began to write what he had seen and observed during that time of chaos. A short, hunchbacked man, he had relied on his sorcerous powers to keep him alive and to intimidate those he had hired as a guard. Many of his early writings he has had republished, or has converted into poetic histories that speak of life in the Age of Storms, a time most would rather forget.    As he neared the end of his life, even beyond what could reasonably be expected for a sorcerer, especially one as infirmed as he, he arrived in the court of the Empress in Citadel, and upon his shaky knees, knelt before her. He begged to be remade into her Chosen, so that he might continue to write and continue his life's work. The Empress did not so much take pity upon the sorcerer, but saw in him a potential tool, and so she agreed, and through the ritual known only to her, she remade the Hierophant into her Chosen, now called Bonecollector.


Hobbies & Pets

Bonecollector's 'hobby' is in his name. He collects bones. Often, it is from those he kills. He has written many verses of the process he uses to strip the flesh from the bone, clean them, bleach them, and to 'rebuild' the body. From his poetry, it seems he enjoys to take pieces from different bodies to build a 'perfect' one. The poems he writes on this topic are often passionate, but furious. It seems he can never achieve this perfection...


Bonecollector's voice is higher pitched than most would expect from his appearance, and fairly normal, especially compared to many of the other Chosen. It is said this is why he prefers to write, than to speak, for his voice does not treat his words fairly.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Hierophant of the Blackened Word
Date of Birth
Circumstances of Birth
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations