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Devotees of the Shadowlord

These cultists are thought to be destroyed, following the death of their lord, but some say that they linger still, using the teachings of the Shadowlord as they wait and prepare for his return.


The Devotees of the Shadowlord have very little organization following the destruction and annexation of Scarmouth by the Empress. Their master has been, as far as history is concerned, destroyed utterly by the Empress. His closest allies and strongest servants were forced to go into hiding from the Empress's agents and they had few friends among the locals, but they still cling to the power they received from their master. Small pockets of the remnants of the Shadowlord's forces still plague the Gold Coast and the Jungles of Kar'ack, serving powerful sorcerers and dark-hearted warriors.


The Devotees of the Shadowlords are seen by many to be slaves to the will of their dark master. That is the popular image and for many of the devotees, that is true. They are those who were so broken of spirit, that even now, they follow the loyal servants of the Shadowlord wherever they go, hiding their true allegiance. Of those scattered disciples, most either still use their master's teachings out of a desire for power or to seek a way to bring his spirit back to the world.

Public Agenda

The Devotees of the Shadowlord seek to bring their master back to Terraneus, no matter the cost.


The Devotees of the Shadowlord have few assets at their disposal. Most of their strength and wealth was taken from them when the Empress destroyed Scarmouth or left behind when they fled her hunters. They scattered across the Shimmering Sea, and even to the Mistlands, to avoid being caught and killed by the Empress and their many enemies. However, many have since re-established themselves under new names or have gathered others to them as slaves and soldiers. They are hidden but only fools believe they are truly gone.


The Devotees of the Shadowlord are both the disciples who served the Shadowlord as well as the people over whom he ruled. His kingdom at points consisted of parts of the Roselander Coast, much of the Jungles of Kar'ack, and even parts of the Gold Coast when he conquered Moonstone, though never did he hold all these territories at the same time. The Imperial Record has no mention of where the Shadowlord came from, nor who he was, or anything about him before his rise in the Jungles of Kar'ack. The Empress has deliberately had him removed from history, with entire schools of the Scriptorium dedicated to seeing that this was done.   Even among the People of Sun and River there is little that is known of the Shadowlord. His reign is recalled with horror by those areas over which he held dominion, with people being taken by the Shadowlords students for torture and experimentations, never to return, or to return as mindless slaves to the will of the Shadowlord. When the Empress and her Chosen defeated the powerful sorcerer-king, she destroyed him utterly, ending his reign and freeing the lands under his banner. His disciples and their broken followers fled, and for nearly two decades, they have worked to avoid being turned over to the Empress.


Officially, the Devotees of the Shadowlord disbanded in 236 of the Age of Iron, following the death of their master. However, they still hide among others, serving their master's dark will...

Where There is Light, There is Shadow

Secret, Occult
Notable Members

Articles under Devotees of the Shadowlord