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Knights of Steel and Sigil

The Knights of Steel and Sigil is an order of sorcerous knights that patrol the Crystal Mother's Forests. This is often the fate of younger children of the nobility, especially those whose families cannot afford to divide their estates much at all. The Knights of Steel and Sigil keep watch for signs of the Crystal Mother stirring in the earth and to stop any Followers of the Dreamers from communing with They Who Dream Between Stars, following traditions they have kept since the Days of Blood and Shadow. Each Knight is clad in ensorcelled steel, which is harder than normal steel. Those with the gift of sorcery find that with a bit of their power, they can break the weapons of those who strike them, be they monstrous claws or human forged steel. Those with sufficient will and determination are said to be able to perform this feat as well, though the cost of the magic grows stronger the more it is used in a single fight...


The Knights of Steel and Sigil are led by the Knight-Commander, who is first elected from among her sworn comrades, before she is presented to the Queen of Rose to be officially sworn into office. Beneath her are the Order of Eight, the Knight-Captains who each command a fort along the wall. The Order of Eight earn their positions through service, and each one of these eight captains has three 'squires' they have chosen, one of whom will replace them upon their death. Aside from being in line to become the successor to their captain, these squires are otherwise simply sworn Knights of Steel and Sigil and are not ranked higher than any of their comrades.


All Knights of Steel and Sigil are members of the nobility and sorcerers, so there is only so many of them that can be recruited at a time. The Rosean peasants that live near the wall often support the Knights of Steel and Sigil, delivering them supplies and food, as well as fielding lightly armored soldiers to assist the Knights in their forays into the Crystal Mother's Forest. The Knights are seen as larger than life heroes to most of the peasantry and are often the heroes in their stories.

Public Agenda

The Knights of Steel and Sigil use their magic and martial craft to fight the monsters of the Crystal Mother's Forest, prevent the Dreamers of the Crystal Mother from completing their rites or bringing monsters beyond the wall.


The Knights of Steel and Sigil are provided steel weaponry and the Rosean nobility are expected to provide funds to pay for the upkeep of the wall. Peasants will also offer their services (usually freely) to the Knights (though this has led to conflicts when the Knights demand too much from the peasantry).


The Knights of Steel and Sigil were founded sometime during the Long Night, that period of time following the Days of Blood and Shadow where few records have survived. The story that is told is that in those days, the Dreamers of the Crystal Mother had nearly succeeded in their plans to free their slumbering patron. They had unleashed the crystal beasts of the forest on the people of the coast. Lament had been overrun, its Queen and most of its nobility slain, their souls sacrificed to light a beacon the Crystal  could see through her slumber.   Two sisters, the last of the royal family of Lament, had fled to Rose. The Dreamers of the Crystal Mother had slain the Queen of Rose and much of her family, though her son still lived. He had fled the city during the start of the chaos. The two sisters sought him out. They were of the line of the Radiant Wing of the Dawn, he was of the line of the Thunder Stealing Raven. The last of the royalty of Lament and Rose joined their house and strength together and, with the blessings of their demonic founders, they pushed the crystal beasts and the cultists back into the forest.    While the older sister and the Prince of Rose stayed to rebuild the rest of the coast, the younger sister asked the new King and Queen of Rose and Lament to lead some of the best knights into the Forest to stop the awakening of the Demon God. The Thunder Stealing Raven had revealed secrets of making ensorcelled steel to her for this purpose. Though they were worried about the success of such a small force in the Crystal Forest, the royal couple approved.   The younger sister worked with sorcerous smiths to forge the first of the Ensorcelled Steel plate that the Knights of Steel and Sigil would become known for. All those she selected to wear it were sorcerers who could make use of the enchantments laid upon their armor and swords. For a year and a day, she and her knights were not seen, before they emerged from the Forest, though reduced in number.   She reported to her sister that the Dreamers had been stopped, though the beasts still remained. She requested a wall be built and more knights, more steel, more of the blood. The Queen of Lament and Rose agreed and the city of Sisterwall was built to be the fortress at the heart of the bulwark of the forest. The sister became the first Knight-Commander. Her name, they say, was Larissa.    Since then, the Knights of Steel and Sigil have simply become a part of Rosean culture. Nobles without much prospect or who lack the will to marry often will swear an oath to the order. The wall has been built, with eight fortresses along its length to keep watch. The Knights still patrol and fight in the Crystal Mother's Forest, protecting those of the peasantry who rely upon it for their labor.

The Mother Sleeps. Slaves dream. With Steel and Sigil, the Night is Lit.

Founding Date
The Long Night
Military, Knightly Order
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities