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Sisterwall sits on the edge of the Crystal Mother's Forest and in the center of the Rose Wall, or just the Wall for those who live in the Roselands. It is the best defended of the gates to the Crystal Mother's Forest as it is the main fortress of the Knights of Steel and Sigil. Sisterwall is a city that is officially ruled by the Queen of Rose, but in practice, the Knight-Commander of the Knights of Steel and Sigil rules as the regent of the city.


Almost all of those who reside in the city of Sisterwall are native Roselanders. Very few outsiders travel this close to the Crystal Mother's Forest and the Wall. Most of the people are Rosean peasants who work the land and supply the forts with their grain. Others are those whose professions take them into the Crystal Mother's Forest, such as hunters or miners. The Knights of Steel and Sigil reside in the fortress, but they are often seen walking through the streets of Sisterwall, making sure that there is no sign of trouble from cultists.


The Wall is of course the major defense of Sisterwall. It is a large stone wall, whose construction began before Rose became a part of the Iron Empire, but continued after. Now, it stretches across much of the Roselands, protecting the coasts from the dangers of the Forest. The Knights of Steel and Sigil patrol this wall along with their men-at-arms, peasants trained to support the sorcerer knights in battle. There are eight fortresses along the wall, not including Sisterwall itself, that are each manned by an order of knights.

Industry & Trade

Sisterwall was not built for trade but for protection. However, it still has a sizable market and many of the people who live near the Wall will go through Sisterwall to the Crystal Mother's Forest, as it is often the best patrolled. Most of Sisterwall's income comes from the raw materials they send back to Rose and Lament.


Sisterwall is built both into the Wall and the area immediately behind it. While it is more of a fortress than a city, it is the third largest population center in Rose and it is too large to be considered a village. There are roads and windmills to turn grain into flower. The Roselanders still use stained glass though there is less of it in Sisterwall, as it is first and foremost a fortress. Still, they use the crystals that absorb the light during the day to shine at knight. There are many small walled districts that are meant to serve as shelters if trouble gets over the wall.


It was during the Long Night that the cities of Rose and Lament were united under one royal house, following the devastations of the Roselands at the hands of the Dreamers of the Crystal Mother. Of the Royal House of Lament, there remained only two sisters. The eldest sister married the Prince of Rose to unite the houses. The younger sister, who the stories name Larissa, created the Knights of Steel and Sigil and led them into the Crystal Mother's Forest to combat the Cult of the Dreamer.   When Larissa returned, she requested resources from her sister to expand her Order and to build a wall to defend Rose. Sisterwall was the first fortress as the wall was built slowly. The peasantry that lived near the Forest wanted the protection that the knights offered and so the town started to grow, until it became a true city.

Points of interest

The Sisterwall Gates

The Sisterwall Gates are the large wooden gates that are reinforced with ensorcelled steel. Many people will gather around in the morning when they are opened and then come to see them close at night, for there is often a lot of ceremony that goes into moving the heavy gates and it is usually done with magic, which is impressive enough on its own to the Rosean peasantry.
Founding Date
The Long Night
Alternative Name(s)
Fort Larissa
Location under
Owning Organization

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