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Lady Venta

(a.k.a. The Lady of Winds)

Lady Venta is the most highly regarded of the Three Divine Patrons. As the Lady of Winds, she is seen as the patron of sailors, traders, and the sea itself. Like all the Patrons, she is not considered to be a real entity, but the personification of these concepts and ideals. She is considered the 'ideal' for all women of the Gold Coast. Often, she is portrayed with a black or blue wrapped dress, a scepter that is similar to the devices used by Windcallers, and a crown upon her head.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Her symbol and iconography are usually represented as a pair of wings, to symbolize the winds.

Tenets of Faith

The Seven Aspects of Lady Venta

Lady Venta embodies the concept of Beauty for the Jeweled Cities, so to make one's self beautiful is to venerate the Lady Venta. This refers to the social expectation that one is expected, almost demanded, to take pride in their appearance. Outfits must be carefully considered, hair must be done and makeup must be applied with a light but skilled hand. To do otherwise is to disrespect Lady Venta.
One should carry themselves with Grace. A person should be charming and should strive to move with purpose but also fluidity, like the wind across the sea rather than a lumbering ox. If Beauty is to take care of how one looks, Grace is to take care of how one moves and acts.
Lady Venta is wise and you should be as well. Ignorance is a fault in oneself and no one else. After all, is it not wise to study the charts and wind patterns common on a trade route before setting sail? Lady Venta does not smile on fools, so you should make yourself not foolish. Thus, often is the ultimate goal in the courts of the Jeweled Cities is to make one's rival appear the fool. For does that not then make you look all the wiser?
Lady Venta is the Lady of Winds and so carries the trade ships to and from the Gold Coast, and with that comes wealth. To prosper is to venerate Lady Venta. She does not provide wealth, she is wealth, and so to become wealthy is to become closer to the Patron.
This one emerged due to her prominence as the most venerated of the patrons, but Lady Venta is considered to be the patron that brings structure and order to the way of life in the Jeweled Cities. Thus, one should follow the laws of the city for it is a gift from Venta.
The Lady of Winds is of course associated with the Wyrdwinds. This aspect of Lady Venta represents not literal sorcery but her mastery over the Wyrdwinds. Scholars and Lotusmasters alike claim that by studying what is deemed magic, they are emulating Lady Venta.
The Lady of Winds
The ultimate aspect of Lady Venta, this represents her embodiment as the Patron of trade, the sea, and the natural winds. To sail across the Shimmering Sea is to honor Lady Venta and she rewards those she favors with her blessed winds.


Whenever the Wyrdwinds blow, strong enough that the Prince's sorcerous advisers consider it to be a danger, it is considered a day to honor Lady Venta. The markets close and everyone is permitted to return to their homes for the day, for to oppose Lady Venta's will in this risks becoming a Wyrding. While few believe Lady Venta is the one who brings the Wyrdwind, most do not complain for the excuse to avoid being out when the Wyrdwinds blow strongly.   Her actual Holiday is a week long festival called Ventalia at the height of the spring season, the traditional time when the large trade ships set off from the Gold Coast to sail around the Shimmering Sea for a season. The week begins with a feast, often including a public one in the squares and markets of the city, often paid for by the Prince and the Merchant Families. Throughout the week, many of the Merchant Families give their laborers off or do not accept new commissions. The final day of the festival is more somber day for personal time with your family before the sailors set off on their expeditions.
Divine Classification
Divine Personification
Aligned Organization
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