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(a.k.a. Protector of Roads)

Loreto is the Protector of the Roads, which includes both city streets and trade routes. He is the patron of guards and soldiers, as well as of farmers. He is portrayed as a large, well built man, often depicted to be taller than Lady Venta and Arete when the three are portrayed together. He almost always carries a weapon and a shield.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The iconography of Loreto is a shield, often with the wings of Venta in the middle.

Tenets of Faith

The Seven Aspects of Loreto

Loreto is the warrior, the guardian, who protects traders and travelers on the road from the ever present dangers. For those who remain in the cities or the villages, he embodies the role of a defender from outside threats like the Mistwalkers or enemy armies. To protect others is to embody this aspect. The Brotherhood of the Seven Facets have many who leave their monasteries to follow this aspect of Loreto. For many mercenaries, they claim this aspect as well...for it says nothing of not charging for the service.
Loreto, as a protector, is naturally one predisposed to showing kindness to the unfortunate. In this aspect, one is to care for the downtrodden with charity.
Though some may say stubborn, Loreto is often compared to the Wyrdtower or the earth of Terraneus. He is unyielding in the tasks he sets himself upon, and thus a person should not be afraid to hold their ground, rather than be carried on the winds of others.
From unyielding, the Brothers sought to soften Loreto a bit. This is one of his more recent attributes. While Lady Venta is civilization, Loreto is the justice that is meted out to those who would commit injustices.
Loreto is like the mountain. He does not move. Thus he also must have patience to wait. The people of the Jeweled Cities know that sometimes it takes time for plans to come to fruitions, or gambles to pay off.
This might seem an odd aspect for the very proud people of the Jeweled Cities and it is one that has had trouble catching on. The Brothers teach it not that you must be humble or humiliate yourself, but that you should know your own limits and accept them. For if you do not know your own shortcomings, you cannot plan to compensate for them.
Loreto is the stalwart defender of Lady Venta, thus he must be loyal to the Lady of Winds. Thus, one should be loyal. This of course refers to the meaning of loyal that is very accepted on the Gold Coast. That is to say, loyal...for a price.


The Protector of Roads and the Patron of Justice has his holiday at the height of summer. It is not so much a holiday in the sense that it is a day of rest, but it is a time put aside for any to come to the Prince and the courts of the city to request they pardon someone found guilty. Often this is simply a chance for those who can afford it to pay for the release of family members, though there are certain rites.
Divine Classification
Divine Personification
Aligned Organization
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