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Salonia Vasari

Princess Salonia Vasari, di Beryl

Salonia Vasari is the first child of the Vasari and the older sister to the current prince of the city. She officially holds no title in the government of the city outside of honorific ones like "First Lady of Beryl", "Honored Daughter of the Vasari Family", "Princess of Beryl" and others, but it is well known that the true power of Beryl lies in the hands of Salonia, not her younger and more idealistic brother. Salonia has been managing her family's affairs in the name of her mother, who is officially the Honored Mother of the Vasari Family, but has withdrawn almost entirely to their family villa since the death of her husband. Thus, people often refer to Salonia as the "Honored Daughter" of the Vasari Family, acknowledging her true authority. Likewise, she is often addressed by the same title as her brother, being "Princess" rather than "Prince". Officially, it holds no weight, but it is a tacit admission that she is as much a power in Beryl as its true Prince.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Salonia has already bore two children for her family, though she has worked hard to maintain the fitness and beauty expected of a noble woman of the Jeweled Cities. She cultivates a mature but still beautiful appearance, rather than that of a maiden, and many assume she uses Lotus concoctions to avoid letting the blemishes of age mar her, for she is not known to be a sorceress. She often wears clothes that hint at the shape of her body beneath but rarely give more than an idea to others.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Salonia was the first-born daughter of Prince Saverio Vasari, granddaughter of Alvise Vasari who was the first Vasari Prince. She was raised to understand that the Vasari had spent many years clawing their way to the top and that it was the responsibility of all members of the family to ensure they stayed there. She grew up at the side of Alvise, during the final days of her grandfather's reign before he passed away in his bed. She was one of the first to hear of her father's assassination three years ago. Salonia wanted it not to be said that she did not work as hard as any other to ensure her younger brother, Sandro, was rightfully elected by the council. Everyone in the family is expected to make sacrifices after all.   It was not as if many of those old men on the council who perished after the vote had much longer to live regardless. It was only right to make sure that their families retained the seats, for their service to the Vasari. One could hardly fault a person for being neat about their business. It is the way of the Jeweled Cities. What one does does not matter. What can be proven...Well, many can talk, but the knife of gossip is only so long, and always at risk of turning back against you.


Contacts & Relations

As the true head of the Vasari Family, Salonia has quite a lot of connections that she can pull on, not even counting on those that come with 'guiding' Beryl. She has an army of spies and informants who report to her events not only in Beryl, but throughout the Gold Coast and the greater Shimmering Sea. She relies on her personal aides to not waste her time, as there is very little of it to spare, and only provide her relevant information and advice.

Family Ties

Besides her brother and the greater Vasari Family, Salonia Vasari is married to a husband from the Setassitrae and has had two children with him, both girls. The oldest is eight and the younger one is five.


Wealth & Financial state

She commands the resources of the Vasari Family as, effectively, it's Honored Matriarch. She also can 'sway' her brother to authorize city funds, for city business.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Princess of Beryl, Honored Daughter of the Vasari Family, First Lady of Beryl
Year of Birth
224 AI 30 Years old
Green, upturned, almond-shaped, deep set
Long wavy black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Very tanned skin.
The Three Divine Patrons
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations