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Vasari Family

The Vasari Family is the current ruling family of Beryl and has held the office of Prince for three generations. One of the founding families of Beryl, it was never seen as a major player until Alvise Vasari managed to finally claim the title of Prince as the culmination of Vasari efforts for generations. They have, over generations, become the family in charge of much of the banking that is done within Beryl, which facilitated their rise to political prominence.


The Vasari Family is both a legitimate family as well as the mercantile guild of all those who work for them. At its head is the Honored Daughter, Salonia Vassari, who technically is subordinate to her mother, the Honored Matriarch, Alessa. Alessa, however, has all but abdicated her position, retiring to their villas to study her texts of philosophy and history.    Beneath Salonia are the other matriarchs who manage the different markets that the Vasari control, making sure that their clients and licensees are meeting the standards (and paying the fees) expected of the Vasari Family. Beneath these overseers are the merchants and craftsmen who directly engage in the trade.


The Vasari Family is ambitious but they have a reputation for being patient and thorough. This can sometimes lead to them losing gains in short term contests, but it is also responsible for their slow climb to the top of the Beryl social ladder. They are wealthy, powerful, and influential, and they intend to stay that way. They see most of the other families as rivals, though only a few are 'rivals'. They tend to also be more willing than many families to allow those who married in or adopted to ascend to positions of influence, so long as they are competent, leading to one or two matriarchs who were adopted into the family.

Public Agenda

The Vasari Family seeks to hold onto their control over the Prince of Beryl.


The Vasari control much of the banking in Beryl, which is ultimately how they achieved much of their wealth. However, they also own many of the metal mines in the mountains to the west, that separate the Gold Coast from the Savanna. They have a large merchant fleet under their family banners and even have two warships of their own, rather than simply part of Beryl's fleet. They rely primarily on mercenaries, as do most of the families, though there are several companies under contract with them at any given time.


The Vasari were once a very minor family in Opal who had taken part if the First Family Wars that had seen many smaller families ousted from the first Jeweled City. Moving to Beryl, the Vasari took part in its founding, though they were not a leading family. Slowly, they began to accrue control over small textile industries, before selling them to other families to gain more and more control over the banking system of Beryl. They always had seats on the Council, but never the Prince, but this also meant that they were able to make deals without much opposition or interference. By the time they had become a major player, they had already entrenched themselves in the banking of Beryl. They used all the resources at their disposal for several generations to weaken the hold of the Braleccae Family, until they were finally able to seize the office of Prince.

"Hurry Slowly"

Founding Date
Guild, Merchant
Leader Title
Head of State
Related Ethnicities

Articles under Vasari Family