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Sky Tooth Killer

Sky Tooth Killer is the Feaster of Blood, the Shadow of Winged Death, the Carrier of the Thirst, among many other titles. She is said to have achieved her rank not through the act of restoring and forging her own soul, but by consuming enough of the lifeblood of others that she was able to twist the soul shards into a complete soul. She far prefers flying as she finds it awkward to move quickly comparatively on her hollow-boned legs. Sky Tooth Killer has a thirst for blood and so she is easy to summon and to keep satisfied to perform whatever bidding her summoner wants. Hers is one of the more prevalent bloodlines that persists in the Shimmering Sea, for she can take the form of a tall, fiery human with dusky-grey skin and flaming hair if she so wills it, surprising many sorcerers. Those who she chooses for this purpose often find themselves surviving the draining of their blood, at least long enough to care for her offspring.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

In her most common form, the Demon Princess looks like a tall, lanky human with orange-yellow skins. Her arms are long and shaped like that of a bats, with huge black hands covered in fur. The wings seem to be made out of very thin, almost see-through membrane that constantly gives off smoke and is hot to the touch. Her legs are hollow and shaped similar to that of a goat giving her a strange gait on land. She does not wear much armor, though she does have a helmet through which her literally fiery hair can spill out. The helmet has a large protruding 'tooth' that can be used to kill enemies should her talons not be enough.

Special abilities

Sky Tooth Killer is unusual in that she does not need to make pacts to gain a Soul Shard, but she can gain it forcibly through the drinking of blood. This makes her both in some ways a 'safer' demon prince to summon, as paying her price is simply a matter of satisfying her thirst, either with your own blood or the blood of another, but it also means that there is little to compel her to remain loyal beyond the magics of the summoning. She is still a demon after all.


Hobbies & Pets

Sky Tooth Killer is associated with the Yalaruka, a species of giant vampire bats who drink one another's blood. These shadow bats will often be drawn to her when she manifests and join her in the sky, meaning that when you summon Sky Tooth Killer, you will get a colony of Yalaruka as well.


Her voice is almost 'normal', deep for a woman's voice but still recognizably so. The only unusual effect is that when she speaks, the fire or smoke from her hair and wings (depending on if she is trying to hide or be seen) will crackle more loudly and flare, but her voice itself is unchanged.
Divine Classification
Demon Prince
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Feaster of Blood, the Shadow of Winged Death, the Carrier of the Thirst
Date of Birth
Circumstances of Birth
Her hair is made of fire or smoke
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Yellowish-Orange or dusky-grey (it varies)
Aligned Organization