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Talika comes from the Great Scar, though she doesn't talk much about her family and hasn't even given any other name but her first. All she's mentioned is she's Ban, but doesn't go into details of what that is. Clearly educated, she knows how to read and write in several languages and scripts. She carries a bow though she takes her place in the Skirmish line, moving with the javelineers on the battlefield.    Talika has a reputation for being a bit of a sneak, able to move quietly and often getting accused of pilfering. Whether she does the stealing or not is often a fifty-fifty, though she has a tendency to admit it if she is the one who actually is to blame. She seems to bare a particular hatred for demons and a fear of the Wyrdwinds. Magic in general has a noticeable discomforting effect on Talika.
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