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The Huntsman

The Huntsman is one of the Empress's Chosen. Like all the Chosen, they are referred to in the masculine, though it is known that there are women among their ranks, though few know which. It matters little. The Huntsman is often regarded as one of the more monstrous of the Chosen Forged in Iron, though to believe any of their number to not be monsters would be a dire mistake. The Huntsman rarely speaks, and when he does, it is raspy and quiet though it seems to carry to the person who needs to hear it, regardless of how loud the area is.   The Huntsman is sent as the Empress's executioner. He is sent when the Empress wants to ensure that something, often Demon Cults or dangerous sorcerers are flushed out and the area cleansed of any of their influence. The legions assigned to him will often quarantine and lockdown an area while the Huntsman does his work to smoke out his targets. Wherever he travels, he brings along his specially bred mastiffs, that seem to be as intelligent as a person. He will talk to them and other animals, making it said that when he is in a region, even the animals cannot be trusted with secrets.

Physical Description

Special abilities

He is one of the Chosen Forged in Iron. He is one of the greatest sorcerers 'living' in the Age of Iron. He also has the ability to speak and control beasts with his magic.

Apparel & Accessories

The Huntsman dresses in black leather trousers, boots, and jacket, with a black hide cape and tricorn hat. He carries many tools from his belt, often used to restrain and capture prisoners or quarries. He carries around chains and rope, neither of which seem to make a sound even as he moves. The only part of his face that can be seen is around his eyes, which are golden. The rest of his face is covered with a black scarf.

Specialized Equipment

The Huntsman carries with him an axe and a flintlock pistol. He carries around black powder on his person to refill his flintlock.


Hobbies & Pets

The Huntsman travels with a pack of his demon mastiffs, specially bred by him to be even more deadly, intelligent, and obedient than the normal kind.


When he speaks, it is rough and barely above a whisper, like the act itself is painful for him, but he can be heard clearly by the one he speaks to regardless of the noise around them.
Date of Birth
Circumstances of Birth
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations