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The Last Legion

The Last Legion is the City Guard of Jade with its commander serving as both the military and civilian leader of the southernmost Jeweled City. With its origins stretching back to the final days of the Old Iron Empire, during the Age of Storms, the Last Legion had been stationed at Jade before it had been forced to serve as a mercenary group to survive. In the early years of the Age of Iron, the Last Legion made a name for itself serving in defense of the Gold Coast, before it set sail along the Horsetail and then the South River to reclaim the fort where it had been stationed. The Last Legion exerts a control over Jade that is unique among the Princes and councils of its sister cities.


The Last Legion retains much of its original military structure. While the Commander is a civil administrator as well as the military commander-in-chief, the rest of the legion is strictly military. The Commander has several captains who oversee much of the logistical and organizational concerns of the Legion. These captains in turn have lieutenants who are responsible for training and putting together reports. Sergeants are the go between for the men and the lieutenants.


The Last Legion is a strange blend of Southland and Imperial customs. While they take pride in following the Old Iron Empire standards for a legion, they have over the years had many Southlanders and their descendants fill their ranks. They often are thought to have their own traditions as well that are used to initiate recruits into the Last Legion when they have completed their training. The Last Legion is not exactly seen as the preferred outcome for children among the Merchant Families of Jade, even though they all recognize the importance of it. They consider it a tithe for younger children to be sent. Others from the Gold Coast will join to be given citizenship of Jade, as it is the easiest and quickest way.

Public Agenda

The Last Legion promises to defend Jade and protect it from raiders from the Demonspires and the Southland marshes.


The Last Legion receives a portion of the taxes from Jade to supply itself and pay the upkeep of its men. Thus it is a professional army. Jade itself was a fortress and so in times of trouble, the old walls can still be used for such a purpose. The greater city also has a wooden palisade around it as the Legion works to turn it into stone.


Jade was originally established as a military fortress and trade outposts of the Old Iron Legion and its size reflects that. Vessels coming up from the South River must pass through Jade. The Old Fortress had been held until near the end of the Final Storm, when through lack of supplies and an outbreak of plague, the Last Legion was forced to abandon the city. The Last Legion did not disband, however, but continued to live off whatever they could get, eventually working to protect large nomadic groups. They served rich merchants around Opal and Ruby before deciding to return to Jade (after nearly fifty years, most of those who had been there originally had died). They found that people from the Southlands had moved in in their absence. Rather than fight the Southlanders, the Last Legion (and those they brought with them) came to an arrangement. Jade is the only Jeweled City to have Southlander Merchant Families and the culture of the city is unique among the seven. The Commander of the Last Legion also serves as the Prince of the City, but his official title is Commander. They will send out patrols and train soldiers to ensure that there are no pirates or bandits that are causing trouble for merchants along the South River.
Founding Date
During the Twilight of the Age of Storms
Military Order
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Related Ethnicities