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Shadow over the Gold Coast: The Ruby-Opal War

Military action


A three year conflict that started over trade disagreements that led to Ruby sending a fleet and army of fortune to besiege Opal. The conflict dragged on due to the involvement of Jade and Beryl. At the end, it was resolved with a payment of gold from Opal but Ruby had lost a good number of its warships and many of its forces.

The Ruby-Opal War is the first of a series of conflicts that have been called the "Shadow over the Gold Coast". Following his defeat at Rose, the Shadowlord retreated to Scarmouth to pursue his interests in the Gold Coast. While he had been building his powerbase in the Crystal Mother's Forest and controlling the Queendom of Rose, he had agents who had been inciting conflicts through the Jeweled Cities.   The Ruby-Opal war was one result of these efforts as tensions and city prides had been enflamed to the point that Ruby sent a fleet of ships to besiege Opal, eventually resulting in the army of Ruby laying siege to its walls as well. The fighting dragged on for two years as they fought in the regions in and around Opal, with the Last Legion sending support to Opal from Jade but Beryl funding mercenaries for Ruby, hoping to benefit from Opal being blockaded.   The war eventually ended with a settlement between Opal and Ruby that involved the Prince of Opal paying a large sum of gold dominions to the city of Ruby but Ruby had lost many ships. They have only recently recovered their naval strength in the forty years since.

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