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The Prince of Scales

The Prince of Scales is a Demon Prince with a known affinity for reptilian creatures, an enthralling voice, and a penchant for arbitration. His scales are not only the physical armor that provide armor to his body, but the scales are summoned with him. His symbols are common in the coast of Rose and even the Jeweled Coast to represent justice. Like all Demon Princes, he is not easily bound, but he will almost always answer the summons of sorcerers that seek him for either arbitration or who wish to barter with him to extend their life or receive great power.


The Prince of Scales panoply includes his Sigilite Scales, an artifact that is said to be able to know the true weight and value of anything placed upon it. It can even tell the value of a person's soul with but a drop of blood placed upon it.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

The Prince of Scales often manifests as a giant Naga, much like his 'daughters', the six-armed demonesses that can take the shape of beautiful women. His face is obscured by a mask at all times. Unlike his daughters with their many arms, he only has two, but his tail will split, creating many different appendages with which he can grab his foes. His entire body is covered with scales, giving him a natural armor.


Contacts & Relations

Aside from his mortal scions, the Prince of Scales has many 'daughters', six-armed Naga demonesses who will often attempt to establish courts and cults of their own, turning the people to their service subtly.


The Prince of Scales has an enthralling, hypnotic voice that slows the mind and will of those who hear its sibilant sounds.
Divine Classification
Demon Prince
Date of Birth
Circumstances of Birth
He lacks hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Green and silver scales
Aligned Organization