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The Raven Lord

The Raven Lord is one of the Empress's Chosen. Like all the Chosen, they are referred to in the masculine, though it is known that there are women among their ranks, though few know which. It matters little. The Raven Lord was one of the Empress's earliest rivals in Ceralus. He had ruled his domain as a sorcerer-king, refusing to bow the knee to the Empress, though it is likely he knew what fate awaited him regardless of his compliance. Despite his state as a Chosen, the Raven Lord has lost none of his political acumen or greed for power. He is known to push the limits of his authority as one of the Chosen Forged in Iron.   He is often sent on missions that require a more gentle hand and 'diplomatic' grace, though the Empress does not like to have him abroad for too long without one of the other Chosen present to keep him in check. He wields the weapon that is the Imperial Bureaucracy with a deft hand only exceeded in grace by the Empress. His own friends and allies cling to his coat in the hopes that he will reward them with power in the Bureaucracy, which he often does.    It is known that he does not work well with Veilrender, for the Empress's knight is chaotic and loves nothing more than to disrupt the Raven Lord's many layered agendas.

Physical Description

Special abilities

He is one of the Chosen Forged in Iron. He is one of the greatest sorcerers 'living' in the Age of Iron. He can use ravens as his eyes and compel them to 'speak' to him what they see and hear when he is not watching them.

Apparel & Accessories

The Raven Lord wears a beaked-masked helmet over his head and carries two blades with him, wielding them as a dervish in battle. He dresses in black leather armor, though all report that it is as hard as metal when struck. His shoulders are draped in a cloak of black feathers that he uses to take the shape of a flock of ravens.

Specialized Equipment

He wears a cloak of black ravens feathers that he can use to take the form of a flock of ravens.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Raven Lord was once the Sorcerer-King of Torment, the Silent City, the Black Wing Lord. It was in the early days of the Empress's Conquest of Ceralus that she defeated the Black Wing Lord and captured Torment, forcing it to accept the Empress's Law. She had ordered Shadewalker and Veilrender to capture the Sorcerer-King alive, and they did, though it came at a great cost to many of their men. It is said that Veilrender's armor was even broken in some places, a feat that has rarely been replicated since.   The people of Torment were integrated into the Iron Empire and the city was renamed "Silence", which it is still called to this day. When the next campaign season began, the Raven Lord appeared for the 'first' time, as the newest member of the Chosen Forged in Iron.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Black Wing Lord, the Sorcerer-King of Torment
Date of Birth
Circumstances of Birth
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations