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Valoresia was once a small fiefdom along the coast of Southern Ceralus. The region itself is a hot semi-arid climate, famed for its olives and its oil.


Valorisia had been an independent kingdom following the collapse of the Old Iron Empire. When the Empress had begun her conquest of all of Ceralus, Valorisia had not resisted but instead bent the knee to the Empress, submitting to her rule and accepting her law. The ruling family was thus made the provincial governors of this new province and ruled in the Empress's name. In the year 216 Age of Iron, the province rebelled against the Empress, much to the surprise of everyone. There had been a growing unrest of nationalistic sentiment in the province, but the Empress had sent the Raven Lord to assist the governor in resolving these issues. Instead, it led to the governor rebelling, his entire family being executed and a rival family being named as the new governor.
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