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The Founding of Ruby



Following the example of government and civil structure the Merchant Families of Opal created, the second Jeweled City of Ruby was established. Already an autocracy ruled by a warlord, the nascent trading guilds used their economic pressure to gain certain privileges from the Warlord, who transitioned to the First Prince of Ruby.

The City of Ruby had been under the control of the Bloodstone Raiders for nearly a decade, a warband that was made of a mixture of the peoples of the Gold Coast and People of Sun and River that had originally been invited to the city by its inhabitants (out of a need for protection) but had quickly taken it over and ruled by strength of force. After the foundation of Opal as the model for all Jeweled Cities, and seeing the rapid growth that it was undergoing, the Warlord was approached by several prominent and wealthy merchants who proposed that the city make similar changes.   The Warlord, seeing the success, agreed and took the title of the Prince of Ruby. The Merchant Families were established. The Bloodstone Raiders served as the Ruby Guard for this time, but in the annals of the Keepers of the Bloodstone (the mercenary company that rose following the death of the Prince when a different Family's prince was elected) mark this as their 'founding' date.

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