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The Jeweled City of Ruby rests on a large island on the northwest of the Gold Coast. It is often used as a port for sailors in the region, especially those ships that wish to go from the Gold Coast to Scarmouth.


The citizens of Ruby are predominantly descendants of Imperials from the Old Iron Empire; however, over the years they had mixed with outcasts and refugees from the People of Sun and River before they settled on the island. Following the annexation of Scarmouth, Ruby has also seen an influx of refugees from the former domain of the Shadowlord.


Ruby is structured like most of the other Jeweled Cities. The city is led by a Prince, who rules as an autocrat. The Prince's power is kept in check by the Merchant Families, who, upon the death of a Prince, elect a new prince from among their ranks. Thus, if a Prince acts in a way that isolates the Merchant Families of Ruby, he is likely to find his tenure short and his family losing their position to another family. The court of Ruby is filled with backroom deals, alliances, and betrayals as the Merchant Families maneuver to try to ensure they come out ahead over their rivals and enemies. Because the Prince cannot feasibly oversee every aspect of the city and its governance daily, the responsibilities of governance are given out to ministers and council members, all members of a Merchant Family, to oversee. Whichever Family holds the position of Prince is, traditionally, the one responsible for taxes. New laws must be approved by a vote of majority in the city's Council, but the Prince has the right to veto any law that he objects to, and the Council must simply abide this decision.


Ruby is an island and many of its walls are built along or near cliffs. There are small ports and natural harbors that the people of Ruby use for their boats, but the Ruby Guard keeps watchtowers at each of these to alert the city if they see any threats, using a series of mirror signals during the day or fire signals at night. The main harbor of Ruby is built with circular walls along the rocks, opening up to allow entry to the city. There is a metal chain that lies at the mouth of this harbor that can be raised to 'close the harbor' making it difficult for ships to come through without breaking their masts and relying entirely on their rowers. The Ruby Guard can stand on the edge of this wall and pepper the wooden ships with fire arrows and other ballistics to try to pick off any smaller rowboats that slip beneath the chain.   As Ruby is an island, they rely mostly on that for their defense. They have walls that face the farmland to the north and the Ruby Guard regularly patrols the smaller villages that are scattered across the island. They man forts and towers along the coast to keep watch for pirates.

Industry & Trade

Ruby's main export is its tea. Many of the hillsides away from the coat of the island are dotted by fields where they grow different kinds of high-quality tea, usually of the black variety. Where the rivers flow, they will grow rice, but most of their food is imported. They grow coconuts and plantains to help ease the reliance on rice and wild rice that they import. Fish and seafood is a major part of their diet. While they do not have as many pearl fisheries as the city named after the gem, it is still one of their chief exports. Many spices grow well on Ruby's island. However, ultimately, Ruby's main strength is its location as being an island city, it makes for a good port for a final restocking of supplies for sailing ventures.   One of the largest imports, aside from rice, for the people of Ruby is wood. While the island does have some natural forests, they are few and scattered. To build ships and their city, they need more than the island can provide.


Ruby was an important port for the Old Iron Empire as a harbor for its fleet in this theater. The city's infrastructure was designed to withstand sieges, so there are sewers and aqueducts that lead out from the city to the sea. There was little fear of infiltrators being able to navigate these tunnels to reach the city above. This system relies on the fresh water from the rivers and lakes that dot the island of Ruby. Despite the waste, smugglers still do use these tunnels, as the place the sewers let out is difficult for the Ruby Guard to patrol and observe. A small boat with a hooded lantern would be nearly impossible to spot from the nearby watch tower, especially for experienced smugglers.   As Ruby relies on the sea for most of its food, they have many small docks and harbors that can be used by the locals for their small boats. Some of these are maintained through taxes, others through just the local residents providing upkeep. The road to the market and the harbor is well maintained as it sees a lot of use, but otherwise, there is little effort spent by the City itself to maintain roads. Districts are responsible for that upkeep themselves.

Guilds and Factions

The Merchant Families of Ruby work similarly to how they do throughout the Jeweled Cities.


Ruby served as a naval port for the Old Iron Empire to protect their interests in the Gold Coast and the Jungles of Kar'ack. When the Age of Storms began and the Old Iron Empire fully entered its decline, the people of Ruby were stranded, for the most part. They would endure the storms, relying on the fact that they were an island to protect them from the hordes of Wyrdings and their Mistwalker masters. Still, Mistwalkers would ride the winds from time to time to wreak havoc upon the people on the island. Following the Age of Storms, the people of Ruby started to rebuild, but found themselves soon at the mercy of pirates and sailing warbands. Needing protection, they worked out an agreement with the warband known as the Bloodstone Raiders (this was before Ruby received its name, but why Ruby is called Ruby). This arrangement lasted for nearly a decade, with the Bloodstone Raiders using Ruby as their base and driving off other pirates.    Following the example of government and civil structure the Merchant Families of Opal created, the people sought to emulate their neighboring city. Already an autocracy ruled by the warlord of the Bloodstone Raiders, the nascent trading guilds used their economic pressure to gain certain privileges from the Warlord, who transitioned to the First Prince of Ruby. Thus the Second Jeweled City was established.   Life continued on with trade and treaties being made between the families of Opal and Ruby and eventually Jade. However, when the unrest from Opal resulted in a civil war, the violence spilled over to Ruby in the event known  as the First Family Wars. The losing Merchant Families of this conflict left Ruby and Opal to found the cities of Beryl and Pearl to the west.

Points of interest

The Harbor of Ruby is often depicted in art and referenced in poetry. As one approaches the harbor, they must sail between two larger than life statues, made of stone, that have stood since the Old Iron Empire. No one is quite sure who the two figures are, but they are clad in what looks to be bronze armor and carry spears. When the Wyrdwinds blow, the stone seems to shimmer, as if it were really clad in bronze. It is the first sight most see when they arrive in Ruby.


Ruby is built on the coast near a large harbor on its island. As one moves further inland, the ground raises and it becomes hilly and rocky. There is volcanic activity on the north coast, so earthquakes are not uncommon on the island.

Natural Resources

Being an island, Ruby often relies on its limited area for producing what it needs to support its people. There are some coal mines and there is the Shimmering Sea that provides much of the diet of the people of Ruby. Palm trees grow well on the island's sandy, salty shores.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Bloodstone, the Lady of the Sea
Related Ethnicities
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization